Tag: corpses

Biden Official Flips Out After Question on Charred Palestinian Corpses

The Biden administration still won’t change its policy towards Israel, despite overwhelming photo evidence of gruesome casualties in Israel’s latest attacks on Rafah in Gaza. That was the message Tuesday from National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby at a press conference. “The Israelis have said this is a tragic mistake,” Kirby told reporters when asked […]

‘Piles of corpses, pools of body fluids and maggots’ found at funeral home

A funeral home with almost 200 abandoned corpses had piles of partially covered human remains, pools of body fluids several inches deep on the floor and flies and maggots throughout the building, an FBI agent has said. Prosecutors also revealed text messages sent between the Colorado funeral home’s owners showing they were under growing financial […]

‘I walked my kids past explosions and rotting corpses’

After weeks of Israeli bombing, on 16 November Jehad El-Mashhrawi and his young family fled their home in northern Gaza. The BBC Arabic cameraman shares a vivid and shocking account of what he, his wife and children experienced as they headed south. Warning: This story contains graphic descriptions which may be distressing We left in […]