Tag: cool

‘Guys may think it’s cool.’ Which guys?

Donald Trump, according to under-oath testimony from Michael Cohen, his former attorney and fixer, was worried the story of his alleged affair with Stormy Daniels would be “a disaster for the campaign” and make women hate him. But even as Trump pondered the potential scandal of a tryst with an adult film star, he was […]

‘Women will hate me. Guys will think it’s cool’

Donald Trump was furious with Michael Cohen and fearing “disaster” for his 2016 presidential campaign when his then-afforney disclosed that Stormy Daniels was preparing to share her story about having sex him in 2006. “I thought you had this under control. I thought you took care of this,” Cohen said from the witness stand in […]

The Playtex TruSupport Cool Comfort Bra is on sale at Amazon

Nothing can ruin your day like an uncomfortable bra, especially one with a pesky underwire poking at you. Luckily, there are plenty of wire-free options that can provide the coverage and support you need, without all that pinching and digging. One well-vetted option: the Playtex TruSupport Cool Comfort Bra, which is so popular that it’s […]