Tag: Congresss

Why Congress’s No. 1 crypto fan is feeling so good about 2024

THE INTERVIEW For years now, Rep. Tom Emmer has been Congress’s Mr. Crypto — a man colleagues have described as the “OG” of Capitol Hill’s blockchain enthusiasts. And with five months to go before the 2024 election, he couldn’t be more excited about how the race is shaping up for the industry he’s long championed. […]

Senate Republicans may be warming to Congress’s $78 billion tax bill

The News Fissures are forming among Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee over the House-passed $78 billion tax bill, with some looking to pass the legislation as-is while others demand concessions that risk sinking it. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho., the panel’s ranking member, remains dug-in against the legislation over one of its reforms to the […]

Why Congress’s border-Ukraine deal never had a chance

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer derided the Republican border position as “hostage-taking,” Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said the mix of negotiators meant it was “never going to happen” and some House Democrats are calling on Senate leaders to pull the plug entirely. “They never should have started,” said Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Nanette […]