Tag: Congo

DR Congo army says it has thwarted attempted coup

The Democratic Republic of Congo army says it has quashed an attempted coup against President Felix Tshikedi in the capital Kinshasa, involving Congolese and foreign fighters. DR Congo army spokesperson Brig Gen Sylavin Ekenge said on the state-run broadcaster RTNC TV that several suspects have been detained and the “situation is now under control”. His […]

Key mining town seized – DR Congo rebels

A town at the heart of mining coltan, a key ingredient in making mobile phones, has been seized in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo by rebel forces, their spokesman has said. Rubaya fell into the hands of M23 fighters on Tuesday following heavy clashes with government troops, Willy Ngoma said. The government has not yet […]

DR Congo presses Apple over minerals supply chain, lawyers say

KINSHASA (Reuters) -Democratic Republic of Congo is pushing Apple Inc for more information about its supply chain over concerns it may be tainted with conflict minerals sourced from the country, international lawyers engaged by Congo said on Thursday. Congo, particularly its eastern region, has been plagued by violence since the 1990s, killing millions as struggles […]

Tanzanian soldiers killed in DR Congo missile attack

A mortar attack in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo has killed three soldiers from a southern African military force. All of those who died were from Tanzania. Three others were hurt. “Hostile” missile fire “fell near the camp where they were staying,” said the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) on Monday. None […]

Republic Of Congo reports first mpox virus cases in several regions

BRAZZAVILLE, Republic of Congo (AP) — The Republic of Congo has recorded its first cases of mpox in several regions, the health ministry said, an indication of how the disease may be spreading across Africa since sexual transmission was first confirmed on the continent last year. Mpox is a virus that originates in wild animals […]