Tag: Confused

Sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden‘s conduct behind closed doors, in the Oval Office, on Air Force One and in meetings around the world is described in the same dual way by those who regularly see him in action. He is often sharp and focused. But he also has moments, particularly later in the evening, […]

Fish on Board China’s Space Station Are Doing Swimmingly, Confused as Hell

Swimming in Circles Last month, China sent four small zebrafish as stowaways to its Tiangong space station. And so far, according to the state-owned Xinhua News Agency, the striped catch is thriving in the microgravity environment of its celestial space aquarium. That’s despite the astronauts on board the station observing the fish “showing directional behavior […]

A glossary for the confused

While Joe Biden’s support for Israel’s Gaza war has outraged or alienated many would-be supporters, Donald Trump has never expressed even the slightest interest in Palestinian rights. Trump’s allies in the evangelical community — by far his strongest base of support — interpret Middle East politics through a biblical lens that gives Israel title to […]

People Are Super Confused About What Happens In These 33 Places Around The World, And Maybe You Can Help

There’s a new meme where people post maps, circle a place, and ask, “What happens here?” Maybe you can help. 1. what goes on here pic.twitter.com/BrPP37v8Ka — CRITIQUE IMPITOYABLE DE TOUT CE QUI EXISTE! (@WizardousCat) March 29, 2024 Twitter: @WizardousCat 2. what goes on here ? https://t.co/IsgfNoSwpX pic.twitter.com/11fPhIHsAD — Whitney (Shady Sands) (@whitn_tarnation) March 28, […]

Americans Are Sharing “European Mind Can’t Comprehend” Memes That Would Leave Europeans Completely Confused

Welcome to another edition of people sharing pictures of American things that would confuse the hell out of Europeans! The European mind can’t comprehend this pic.twitter.com/lMYcHifB2X — John D Lockefeller (@Dr_Lockefeller) February 11, 2024 Twitter: @Dr_Lockefeller Here are the best ones from the past month… 1. The European mind cannot comprehend this. pic.twitter.com/rQ7YZYBWUU — Zach […]

Website warning of cyberattack in Georgia’s largest county removed after it confused some voters

Warnings of an “unexpected IT outage” Tuesday on the election website of Georgia’s most populous county prompted alarm on social media about potential problems with the state’s presidential primary, concerns election officials quickly dispelled. A red banner atop county webpages warning of a “System Outage” was actually related to a January cyberattack that temporarily crippled […]