Tag: complains

Ukrainian media community, put under pressure by smear campaigns, complains to G7 ambassadors – photo

Ambassadors of the G7 countries have met with leading Ukrainian journalists regarding concerns about the decline of press freedom in Ukraine. Source: G7 Ambassadors’ Support Group for Ukraine on Twitter (X); The Kyiv Independent Details: The Ukrainian media community has complained about being under chilling effects, following a series of campaigns to discredit independent journalists […]

Belarusian President complains to Putin that Ukraine and Baltic countries “seek better life abroad” – video

Alexander Lukashenko, self-proclaimed President of Belarus, has claimed at the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that Ukraine and Baltic countries “could cooperate with Russia instead of ‘seeking better life abroad’”. Source: Lukashenko and Putin at the meeting in St. Petersburg, as reported by the Pul pervogo Telegram-channel and the Russian Interfax Quote: “I thought […]

‘60 people lying near LDT, nobody pulls them out’. Occupier complains about losses and ‘rats’

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine published an intercepted conversation between a Russian occupier and his wife on Jan. 23 He describes a Ukrainian machine gunner “eliminating” a company and a half of Russians who were sent to storm a long-term defensive point (LDT) controlled by the Ukrainian military. “They’ve already killed s**tloads,” the Russian says. “There are 60 people lying near the LDT, they still won’t pull them out. But they will not […]