Tag: comparable

NDGOP governor candidates Armstrong, Miller report comparable primary war chests

Republican governor candidates Tammy Miller and Kelly Armstrong. (Photos provided) North Dakota Republican-endorsed governor candidate Rep. Kelly Armstrong reported four times the number of large-dollar donors as his Republican competitor Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller in their quests to become the state’s next governor. The candidates’ pre-primary campaign financial disclosures with the Secretary of State’s Office […]

Home Depot comparable sales drop steeper than expected on easing demand

(Reuters) -Home Depot posted a bigger-than-expected drop in quarterly same-store sales on Tuesday as cautious Americans shelled out less for big-ticket items while focusing on small-scale home repair and maintenance tasks. Customers have reined in discretionary spending and put pricey renovations on hold as they adjust to higher borrowing costs and elevated inflation. “Home improvement […]

Livingston primary results comparable to statewide totals

LIVINGSTON COUNTY — Winners have been declared in Michigan’s presidential primaries, with more than 98% of votes statewide tallied by Wednesday morning. As expected, Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican former President Donald Trump were declared winners of their respective primaries. Candidates totals in Livingston County were fairly consistent with voting statewide. The county’s unofficial […]