Tag: cleaned

‘Whoa, You’re Broke!’ Dave Ramsey Is Shocked A Caller $300,000 In Debt Is Asking If Buying A Rental Property Is A Good Idea — ‘No No No No. Work Like An Animal Until You Get This Mess Cleaned Up!’

In an eye-opening exchange on the Dave Ramsey Show, Jeremy from Tulsa, Oklahoma, brought forward a financial dilemma that many young graduates might find themselves in. With a combined student loan debt of $300,000, Jeremy and his wife, both recent graduates at the time, were contemplating an unconventional strategy to navigate their financial quagmire: investing […]

Venezuela oil giant says 80 percent of oil spill cleaned up

Venezuela’s state oil company said Thursday that an oil spill at a refinery on the country’s western coastline was no longer “active” and that more than 80 percent of the affected area had been cleaned up. Wednesday’s spill at the El Palito facility in the northwestern state of Carabobo occurred when heavy rainfall caused fluids […]