Tag: civil

Biden to award posthumous Medal of Honor to two Civil War train thieves

By Andrea Shalal WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday will award the Medal of Honor posthumously to two U.S. Army privates who were part of a daring Union Army contingent that stole a Confederate train during the Civil War, the White House said. Philip Shadrach and George Wilson, will receive the medals […]

Looking forward and back as the Civil Rights Act turns 60

It’s been 60 years since the 1964 Civil Rights Act was signed into law. Across the country, civil rights groups, scholars and others have commemorated the landmark law with panels, comprehensive reports and rallies. Many have cited its impact and other federal laws that came in its wake, including one protecting the right to vote […]

The UK taxi driver still being paid as a Nigerian civil servant

If you leave your job, it would seem logical that your salary would stop being paid, but not so for a number of former Nigerian civil servants. They have managed to be employed elsewhere – sometimes in another country entirely – and yet continue to receive a wage from their former workplace. News of this […]

France’s Macron warns of ‘civil war’ if far-left or far-right win power

Insights from Time, Jacobin, Politico, and The Financial Times The News French President Emmanuel Macron warned on Monday that either a far-left or far-right victory in the country’s upcoming election could spark “civil war,” accusing both Jean-Luc Melenchon’s France Unbowed and Marine Le Pen’s National Rally of stoking sectarian tensions. Left and right-wing leaders condemned […]

Macron Says Extreme Opposition Parties Would Cause Civil War

(Bloomberg) — President Emmanuel Macron said the agendas of the far-right and far-left blocs in France’s upcoming legislative elections pit the country’s people against each other, going so far as to say that “extreme” parties could spark a “civil war.” Most Read from Bloomberg The far-right National Rally’s plan to deal with crime and insecurity […]

Juneteenth observances celebrate emancipation, civil rights

Jun. 21—Children of different races frolicked in the Elliott Park’s splash pad Wednesday while Wilma Newton recalled when the park was segregated. “It was the Black park,” Newton said. “When my mom was a little girl. This was the only park she could come to.” Newton has hosted Juneteenth celebrations at Elliott for 15 years. […]

Wikipedia now labels the top Jewish civil rights group as an unreliable source

Wikipedia’s editors declared that the Anti-Defamation League cannot be trusted to give reliable information on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and they overwhelmingly said the ADL is an unreliable source on antisemitism. It’s a stunning rebuke to one of the world’s preeminent authorities on anti-Jewish hate and a significant advocate for the rights and causes of American […]