Tag: Cincinnati

Cincinnati Public Schools loses assistant principals in budget crisis

The Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education has unanimously approved cutting numerous assistant principal positions to ease the school district’s current budget crisis. During a special meeting Wednesday, the school board targeted 12 assistant principals at as many schools for contract non-renewal, meaning they will not be reemployed in their current roles. It also axed […]

Cincinnati Public Schools loses assistant principals in budget crisis

The Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education has unanimously approved cutting numerous assistant principal positions to ease the school district’s current budget crisis. During a special meeting Wednesday, the school board targeted 12 assistant principals at as many schools for contract non-renewal, meaning they will not be reemployed in their current roles. It also axed […]

New priests ordained at the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, assigned to parishes

A new priest might be coming to your church. Seven men were ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and given their parish assignments on Saturday, the organization said in a release. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, who was diagnosed with cancer this month, celebrated the Mass. The archbishop laid his hands on the men, invoking […]