Tag: Chemical

Trump appointees barred EPA staff from warning Senate about ‘forever chemical’ loophole: Internal staff messages

Trump administration officials barred experts from warning legislators that they were about to write a major environmental loophole into law, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staffers alleged in newly revealed internal communications. The loophole, arising from a clause in the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), enabled many companies to avoid disclosing releases of toxic “forever […]

Ukraine says Russian drones have dropped grenades packed with chemical agents hundreds of times in the last month

Russian drones are increasingly dropping chemical grenades in Ukraine, says Ukraine’s Armed Forces. Ukraine reported 371 cases in March alone. These chemical bombings violate the United Nations’ Chemical Weapons Convention, Ukraine cites. Ukraine’s military is tracking how often Russian drones drop grenades containing dangerous chemical agents. It’s happening a lot and more frequently, the military […]

‘It’s a kind of chemical stew … going into these ponds’

A Texas community was outraged after state regulators approved the construction of an oil and gas waste recycling facility directly next to a summer camp. What happened? Inside Climate News reported in February that Martin Water received preliminary approval for a state permit to operate ponds that will “store and recycle millions of gallons of […]