Tag: cellphone

BOE modifies cellphone policy

Feb. 8—The Cumberland County Board of Education approved changes to its cellphone policy for students during the Jan. 25 meeting. The policy adopts the model policy for personal communication devices in schools developed by the Tennessee School Boards Association. Under the policy, students may possess personal communication devices and personal electronic devices at school so […]

Backers call for banning sale of cellphone location data in Mass. Here’s why

BOSTON ― A bill that would prohibit the sale of cellphone location data, collected endlessly from users of myriad apps, would protect all Massachusetts residents, its supporters say, but would especially benefit the most vulnerable. Justin Sherman, who leads the data brokerage project at Duke University, compared the data collection to having someone “follow you […]

North Perry Village to lease property for cellphone tower

Jan. 13—North Perry Village is getting ready to lease property on Townline Road to a company that will build and operate a cellphone tower on the site. Village Council, at its most recent meeting, approved a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into the lease agreement. That contract will allow Northstar Towers to lease 10,000 […]