Tag: caucusgoers

Most Iowa Republican caucus-goers say Trump fit to be president if convicted

By Alexandra Ulmer and Jason Lange WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Immigration and the economy were on Iowan Republicans’ minds as they entered their party’s caucuses on Monday to select a Republican presidential candidate, according to preliminary findings of an entrance poll conducted by Edison Research. Following are highlights from the poll based on interviews with 1,177 […]

Immigration is a top-tier issue for Iowa caucus-goers

Des Moines, Iowa–Concerns about the flow of migrants over the southern border are becoming a major focal point for candidates and caucus-goers in the final days before the Iowa Caucuses. Despite living thousands of miles from the southern border, GOP caucusgoers say they feel the effects of the situation at the southern border through the […]

First-time Iowa caucusgoers could fuel a big win for Trump

DES MOINES, Iowa — Former President Donald Trump isn’t just looking to win Iowa’s GOP caucuses on Monday. He’s looking for a big win. For that, he’ll need supporters like Gene Pinegar to show up. Pinegar, a 72 year-old veteran from Marshall County, has never attended a Republican caucus before. A self-described independent, he registered […]

42 percent of GOP Iowa caucusgoers say ‘poisoning the blood’ remarks make them more likely to support Trump: poll

Forty-two percent of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers said that former President Trump’s recent remarks about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of the country makes them more likely to support him, according to a new poll. The Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom poll asked likely Republican caucusgoers about statements made by the president, including Trump’s recent claim that […]