Tag: Catalyst

These 2 Businesses Need Turnarounds. But Each Has a Potential Catalyst Coming That Could Send Shares Soaring.

Long-term investing requires optimism. This is why investing in turnaround opportunities is intrinsically dangerous. The danger to investors is the failure to properly assess the risks because they look at the opportunity through rose-colored glasses. Their optimism emphasizes the good possibilities instead of the bad ones and makes it harder to develop a balanced assessment. […]

Is Jim Cramer Right About This Apple Catalyst?

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) has a mammoth valuation near $3 trillion. It’s one of the most valuable companies in the world, trailing only rival Microsoft in market cap. But many analysts and investors remain optimistic that the business can become even more valuable in the future. One of them is CNBC’s Jim Cramer. What might surprise […]

Black nonprofit sees investments in Duluth’s Central Hillside as ‘catalyst’

DULUTH – In the city’s Central Hillside neighborhood, life expectancy is a decade lower than elsewhere in Duluth and homeownership is rare. It’s where most of Duluth’s Black residents live, and a Black-run nonprofit will receive $500,000 over the next five years to invest in their neighborhood. The Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation (DSACF) awarded […]