Tag: carrots

Why you should be snacking on baby carrots 3 times a week

If your go-to snack includes baby carrots, congratulations: you’re doing great things for your health. New research presented at the Nutrition 2024 conference found that a snack of baby carrots just three times a week increased skin carotenoids in young adults. Carotenoids are the pigments found in fruits and vegetables that give them their bright […]

Why you should be snacking on baby carrots 3 times a week

If your go-to snack includes baby carrots, congratulations: you’re doing great things for your health. New research presented at the Nutrition 2024 conference found that a snack of baby carrots just three times a week increased skin carotenoids in young adults. Carotenoids are the pigments found in fruits and vegetables that give them their bright […]

Some Potential Trump Witnesses Get Carrots. Michael Cohen Got the Stick.

Donald Trump watched anxiously from the White House in April 2018 as news broke about federal agents searching the home of Michael Cohen, the man entrusted to conceal some of the president’s deepest secrets. After initially coming to Cohen’s defense, Trump washed his hands of his fixer within weeks, brushing aside Cohen’s feelers about a […]