Tag: Carlsons

Tucker Carlson’s Lesson in the Perils of Giving Airtime to an Autocrat

Tucker Carlson left Moscow more than a week ago, riding high from an interview with President Vladimir Putin of Russia that returned him to the spotlight after his abrupt cancellation by Fox News last spring. But the interview with the wartime autocrat, mocked in various corners of the political media world for its soft touch, […]

Chris Wallace Exposes Most Telling Part Of Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

CNN’s Chris Wallace slammed his former Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson for the “softball interview” he conducted with Russian President Vladimir Putin that he shared on X, formerly Twitter, last week. “Tucker Carlson showed up in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin. It turned out to be anything but an interview,” Wallace began on Saturday. “Putin […]

Yes, Tucker Carlson’s Mom Left Him Only $1 in Her Will

Claim: The biological mother of ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson left him $1 in her will. Rating: Rating: True Context: A South Carolina probate court affirmed the validity of a hand-written will from Lisa Lombardi, Tucker Carlson’s estranged biological mother, that leaves Carlson and his brother “one dollar each.” The document was discovered after a […]

Ben Shapiro Slams Tucker Carlson’s ‘Absurd Accusation’ That His Politics ‘Could Destroy the Country for Real’: ‘Simply Not True’

Ben Shapiro clapped back at Tucker Carlson after the former Fox News host claimed his Israel-centered statements could “destroy” the country and “obviously” shows that he doesn’t care about what he feels are the nation’s more pertinent issues. “Bit of an astonishing statement there from Tucker. I would never doubt his love for the country […]