Tag: Cameron

Cameron Brown: Lessons from the 4th

The great takeaway of our upcoming July 4th holiday is embedded in the Declaration of Independence — America’s Birth Certificate — which affirms a profound truth. And that truth separates our founding from that of other nations. It is the truth that our rights come not from the halls of government, nor from the decree […]

Cameron County ceremony honors fallen law enforcement officers

May 14—As bagpipes played and the U.S. flag rose high overhead, law enforcement officers from Cameron County and across South Texas paid tribute Tuesday morning to fellow officers who have fallen in the line of duty. Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz hosted the annual ceremony, which came as part of National Peace Officers […]

Natalie Elphicke’s defection to Labour ‘naked opportunism’, Cameron says

Natalie Elphicke’s defection to Labour was “naked opportunism, by Labour as much as anything”, David Cameron has said. Meanwhile, Labour defended its newest recruit, saying the Dover MP had dismissed claims she lobbied ministers to interfere in her ex-husband’s sex offences trial as “nonsense”. Ms Elphicke quit the Conservatives on Wednesday, hitting out at Rishi […]

Russia warns Britain it could strike back after Cameron remark on Ukraine

By Guy Faulconbridge MOSCOW (Reuters) -Russia warned Britain on Monday that if British weapons were used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory then Moscow could hit back at British military installations and equipment both inside Ukraine and elsewhere. British Ambassador Nigel Casey was summoned to the foreign ministry for a formal protest after Foreign Secretary […]