Tag: caller

Dave Ramsey Tells Caller To ‘Sell Everything’ After $26,000 Tractor Purchase Puts 61-Year-Old In ‘Emergency Mode’

Dave Ramsey Tells Caller To ‘Sell Everything’ After $26,000 Tractor Purchase Puts 61-Year-Old In ‘Emergency Mode’ Financial guru Dave Ramsey recently gave critical advice to Teresa, a 61-year-old woman from Arkansas facing severe economic challenges. Teresa, whose call was featured on The Ramsey Show earns $67,000 annually and has about $69,000 in debt, including student […]

Dave Ramsey Shares He Went Bankrupt And ‘Lost Everything’ Years Ago While Empathizing With Caller Struggling With $380K Of Debt Who Makes $57,000 A Year — ‘You’ve Been Sold A Fake Dream If You Think Bankruptcy Is Gonna Fix it’

Listeners of “The Ramsey Show” often find themselves nodding along to stories that could be their own. The stories feature all-too-common scenarios of financial distress with the teller seeking a glimmer of hope. In a particularly compelling segment, John from Texas shared his overwhelming battle against debt — a tale that resonates with many. At […]

‘Did You Suck?’ Dave Ramsey Is Blunt With His Advice For Unemployed Caller — ‘There’s About A Bazillion Things You Can Do There That Will Earn You Fifty To A Hundred Thousand Dollars A Year Starting Tomorrow’

In a truly educational call on the Dave Ramsey Show, David from Dallas, Texas, brought forward a financial dilemma that many younger individuals face. At 29 years old and fresh off a divorce, David moved from Switzerland — where he had a steady job — back to the United States. He’s been living with friends […]

‘Whoa, You’re Broke!’ Dave Ramsey Is Shocked A Caller $300,000 In Debt Is Asking If Buying A Rental Property Is A Good Idea — ‘No No No No. Work Like An Animal Until You Get This Mess Cleaned Up!’

In an eye-opening exchange on the Dave Ramsey Show, Jeremy from Tulsa, Oklahoma, brought forward a financial dilemma that many young graduates might find themselves in. With a combined student loan debt of $300,000, Jeremy and his wife, both recent graduates at the time, were contemplating an unconventional strategy to navigate their financial quagmire: investing […]