Tag: bungled

How the National Park Service bungled Pride Month

The Biden administration celebrated June’s Pride Month with rainbow flags and a gathering on the South Lawn. But its National Park Service spent the month trying to tamp down an employee and public relations debacle of its own making. Weeks before the festivities began, park service leaders issued an edict that took many of their […]

California delays financial aid deadline over bungled FAFSA rollout

SACRAMENTO, California — California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed legislation extending the deadline for students to apply for state scholarships as problems continue to beset the Biden administration’s rollout of a simplified federal aid form. The April 2 deadline to apply for the need-based Cal Grant and Middle Class Scholarship that California funds will […]

Canada bungled COVID app for travelers, official inquiry finds

OTTAWA (Reuters) – The Canadian government bungled a COVID-era app for travelers at every stage, failed to keep records and poorly utilized funds, the country’s top watchdog said in a highly critical report on Monday. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), working with the health and public services ministries, launched the ArriveCAN application in April […]