Tag: bump

Readers sound off on church vandalism, closed primaries and bump stocks

Attacks on religious symbols are acts of hate New City, N.Y.: Sadly, the recent attack on items of veneration at St. Dominic’s Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn, where statues of Mother Teresa and Pope John XXIII were defaced with a hammer, highlights the double standard of outrage by city and state officials when crimes target […]

Following the justices’ bump stock ruling, will Congress step up?

It was two years ago this week when Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices issued a radical ruling on gun policy, striking down a New York law that required residents to apply for a state permit and show “proper cause” to carry a concealed gun in public. Among the questions that emerged soon after was how much […]

Supreme Court strikes down federal ban on bump stocks

Supreme Court strikes down federal ban on bump stocks In a 6-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks on Friday. These gun accessories that enable semi-automatic rifles to shoot bullets at rapid speed. Bump stocks were used in the 2017 shooting at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas, […]

SCOTUS rejects bump stock ban; what it means for Kansas gun owners

TOPEKA (KSNT) – In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a ban that outlawed bump stock firearm attachments nationwide. The ban came from the Department of Justice in the aftermath of a 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas at a country music festival where the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle modified with […]

Trump Is Fine With SCOTUS Legalizing Bump Stocks, Which He’d Helped Ban

The Supreme Court struck down the nationwide ban on bump stocks on Friday that former President Donald Trump had worked to implement, but his campaign had relatively little to say on the matter. “The Court has spoken and their decision should be respected,” Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s campaign press secretary said in a statement. Leavitt then […]

Trump and the NRA counted on the Supreme Court to keep bump stocks legal

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump didn’t really want to ban bump stocks. When he did, he knew the Supreme Court was likely to overturn his action. In a 6-3 decision Friday, that’s exactly what the justices did. The ruling revealed Trump’s true feelings on the issue after a seven-year political drama, as he accepted […]

Supreme Court rules ban on gun bump stocks is unlawful

WASHINGTON — In a loss for the Biden administration, the Supreme Court ruled Friday that a federal ban on bump stocks, gun accessories that allow semiautomatic rifles to fire more quickly, is unlawful. In a 6-3 ruling on ideological lines, with the court’s conservatives in the majority, the court held that an almost 100-year-old law […]

Sonia Sotomayor torches Supreme Court’s bump stock ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Friday to throw out the federal ban on “bump stocks,” an attachment that allows semiautomatic rifles to fire at a speed comparable to a machine gun, prompting a blistering dissent from liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor. In a 6-3 vote on ideological lines, the court’s conservative justices decided that a 1986 […]