Tag: broken

Time to Buy or Broken Thesis?

risk low high It’s been a brutal 2023 for former solar growth darlings Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH) and SolarEdge (NASDAQ: SEDG). In this video, Motley Fool contributors Jason Hall and Tyler Crowe break down what’s gone wrong, what to expect, and whether they view either stock as a buy right now. *Stock prices used were […]

Biden’s Health Care Agenda Will Make a Broken System Worse

With President Joe Biden stumbling in the polls, the White House is searching for a strategy to stabilize itself leading into the 2024 election. And according to recent reporting, the administration is betting on elevating health care reform as a key campaign platform to shore up support and enthusiasm. But unfortunately, the proposals being floated […]

Ron DeSantis’ Debate ‘Discomfort’ Broken Down by Body Language Expert

Ron DeSantis showed “discomfort” during a Republican debate, a body language expert has said. The Republican Florida governor took part in the fourth GOP debate on Wednesday in Alabama, alongside former South Carolina governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, ex-New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Hosted by NewsNation, the debate came […]

Why a power struggle has broken out over Kirkuk

JUDY WOODRUFF: Longstanding rivalries were re-ignited in Iraq today between vital American allies. Iraqi military forces and militia moved to push Kurdish forces out of the disputed city of Kirkuk in the country’s north. Lisa Desjardins begins our coverage. MAN (through interpreter): The commander in chief of the armed forces, Dr. Haider al-Abadi, gave orders […]