Tag: brink

American weakness has left us on the brink of a global conflagration

This is the moment that many of us have been warning about for so long. After years of shameful American obsequious towards Iran, the emboldened theocratic pariah has launched an attack on Israel, threatening to draw us into war. The full extent of the hostilities are still unfolding, but two conclusions are certain. First, this […]

The world stands on the brink of all-out war

I’m writing from Israel where the country is tonight braced for a wave of drone attacks from Iran. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) warned at around 11pm that at least 100 drones had been launched. This was followed by an announcement from Iran’s state-run news agency that ballistic missiles have also been launched. Israel has […]

Is the US on the brink of another civil war?

Editor’s Note: Bruce Hoffman is senior fellow for counterterrorism and homeland security at the Council of Foreign Relations and a professor at Georgetown University. Jacob Ware is a research fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and DeSales University. This article is adapted in part from their new […]

Putin on brink of six more years in power as Russians vote

MOSCOW, March 15 (Reuters) – Russia began three days of voting on Friday in an presidential election that is set to extend the rule of Vladimir Putin by six more years. Two years into the war in Ukraine, Putin dominates Russia’s political landscape and none of the other three candidates on the ballot paper presents […]

Haley campaign pushed to brink after Super Tuesday trouncing

Republican Nikki Haley has suffered a string of significant losses in US presidential primaries that prompted allies to believe that the end of her 2024 campaign for the White House may be near. She did not appear in public as American officials counted ballots coast-to-coast late into the night. Privately, Ms Haley’s team expected Republican […]

Nikki Haley campaign pushed to brink after Super Tuesday trouncing

NEW YORK (AP) — Republican Nikki Haley suffered a string of significant losses on Tuesday that prompted allies to believe that the end of her 2024 presidential campaign may be near. She did not make any public statements as officials counted ballots coast to coast late into the night. Privately, Haley’s team expected Republican rival […]

Exclusive-World on brink of fourth mass coral reef bleaching event, NOAA says

By Gloria Dickie LONDON (Reuters) – The world is on the verge of a fourth mass coral bleaching event which could see wide swathes of tropical reefs die, including parts of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said. Marine biologists are on high alert following months of record-breaking ocean […]

Community organizations on the brink as Monroe County investigates misspent funds

During a press conference Friday afternoon, executive directors of organizations part of the Neighborhood Collaborative Project battled snowy, frigid temperatures as funds needed to operate remain frozen. “We chose this spot because we started here,” Andy Carey said. “Popping up tents on the corner of Frost and Jefferson, talking to people and seeing what they […]