Tag: brass

UK Trident submarine missile launch failed with top brass aboard

LONDON — British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps and other top officials were on board a Royal Navy nuclear submarine when the test-firing of a Trident II 5 nuclear missile failed last month. The misfire saw the missile crash back into the sea close to the submarine HMS Vanguard which was undertaking demonstration and shakedown operations […]

Senate leaders hold out as House brass goes all-in for Trump

Most Senate GOP leaders are confronting a dilemma they hoped to avoid: With Donald Trump barreling toward victory in the Iowa caucus next week, do they endorse him or keep holding out? There’s a striking split in the Capitol at the start of primary season, as House GOP leaders line up behind the party’s clear […]

Poland’s Duda calls top brass to emergency session to evaluate threat after cross-border incursion

Polish President Andrzej Duda is convening an urgent meeting because of an “unknown object” that was spotted in the country’s airspace during Russia’s massive missile attack on Ukraine on Dec. 29, the President’s Office press team reported. The head of state will meet with the defense minister, chief of the general staff, and other military officers. The meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. local time […]

Top brass must think hard about the danger ahead

The prospective return of Donald Trump to office as president and commander in chief may — and in fact should — prompt a fundamental rethinking of civil-military relations in this country. Rather than a call to action, I offer here an appeal for preventive reflection by the military establishment on a matter of utmost domestic […]