Tag: borders

Belarus opposition leader warns Poland over borders

Exiled Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has urged the Polish government not to shut down border crossing points between the two countries. “Keeping Belarusians connected to Europe is crucial,” she said in a post on X, adding that people could not be left “behind a new iron curtain”. Earlier on Sunday, Poland’s foreign minister said […]

Colossal rock engravings may be ancient borders, study suggests

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Ancient rock engravings in what’s now South America — believed to be among the largest in the world — were meant to mark the boundaries of the territories inhabited by their makers, according to a new […]

Russia Is Threatening to Expand Its Borders Again—This Time in the Baltic Sea

Russia’s Defense Ministry has unilaterally moved to revise the borders of Russian territorial waters in the Baltic Sea, drafting a government decree on the expansion without even bothering to notify NATO members Finland and Lithuania. In reaction to the surprised responses of the Baltic Sea states, the Kremlin on Wednesday issued a statement that seems […]

Poland to Bolster Borders Amid Threats From Russia, Belarus

(Bloomberg) — Poland plans to bolster security along its eastern borders amid threats from Belarus and Russia, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Saturday. Most Read from Bloomberg “We have begun intensive work on a modern fortification along the entire Polish border from the east,” he told soldiers and border guard personnel in a televised […]

Hong Kong Refuses Entry to Reporters Without Borders Staffer

(Bloomberg) — A Reporters Without Borders representative was refused entry to the city after arriving to monitor the trial of former media mogul Jimmy Lai, the group said. Most Read from Bloomberg Taipei-based Aleksandra Bielakowska was questioned and searched before being turned away on Wednesday, the international non-governmental organization said in a statement, adding it […]

Gov. Little approves tweak in county borders

Mar. 30—Gov. Brad Little signed a bill Thursday that will alter the boundaries for Latah and Clearwater counties. House Bill 646 aims to create a clearly defined boundary that marks the edge of these counties, as well as Bonner, Benewah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties. It is the result of a three-year effort led by Latah […]

Top Putin Aide Unveils Fantasy Map of New Russian Borders

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev delivered a sweeping speech Monday claiming “Ukraine is definitely Russia” and spouting anti-Ukraine rhetoric aimed at erasing the country from the map. “Our geostrategic space has been indivisible since the time of the ancient Russian state,” the former Russian president said, presenting a map showing the vast majority […]

Ukraine does not hold talks on closure of borders with Poland

Oleksandr Kubrakov, Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, has commented on the claims about alleged ongoing negotiations with the Ukrainian government about the closure of the Ukrainian-Polish border. Source: press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure Quote: “Nobody is holding the negotiations about the closure of the border with Poland on behalf […]