Tag: Boomers

4 Ways for Boomers to Make Extra Money Without Finding a New Full-Time Job

Liderina / Getty Images/iStockphoto About 60% of baby boomers are now retired, according to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies — and many of these boomers are struggling financially. Data from the ALI Retirement Income Institute found that the majority of retirees have inadequate financial resources for retirement, CBS News reported, while more than one […]

5 Types of Jobs That Will Have Massive Openings Once Boomers Retire

HotPhotoPie / iStock.com New high school graduates may be contemplating their post-college career path. The labor market may change significantly by the end of this decade. In 2020, 29 million baby boomers retired, according to Pew Research Center. But that figure pales in comparison to the 75 million boomers set to retire by 2030, according […]

Meet the boomers cashing in on the golden age of retirement

Some retirees are now cashing in on the golden age for retirement savings, when benefits were more generous and investments in real estate and stocks boomed.Getty Images; Alyssa Powell/BI Amid a widespread retirement crisis in the US, some boomers are entering their golden years flush with savings. They’re benefiting from now-rare pensions, real estate value […]

8 Myths About Debt That Boomers Must Stop Believing Before They Retire

shapecharge / Getty Images There’s a lot of mystery surrounding personal finances in retirement. Much of this comes from misconceptions about debt and retirement savings. Some of it comes from a lack of financial planning along the way. It hurts someone’s ability to retire or even detract from their financial stability once they do. Read […]

Wall Street wants boomers to work longer. But nobody wants to hire them.

Age discrimination undermines Larry Fink’s “solution” to the retirement crisis.Getty Images; LinkedIn; Chelsea Jia Feng/BI America is running headlong into a big problem: Boomers are getting older. In the coming years, the retirement-age population will balloon to its largest size yet, drawing down Social Security funds, overwhelming retirement homes, and leaving a labor shortage in […]

Why Retiring Abroad Is the New Financial Strategy for Boomers

Say Goodbye to High U.S. Costs: Why Retiring Abroad Is the New Financial Strategy for Boomers From 2019 to 2022, the number of Americans receiving their Social Security benefits overseas increased from 413,000 to 760,000. With more countries opening up retirement visas, the idea of retiring abroad continues to grow in popularity. Why are so […]