Tag: bomb

China’s population time bomb is about to explode

In his 2024 New Year message, Xi Jinping stated that the post-Covid Chinese economy had “sustained the momentum of recovery” and that all Chinese people, including in Taiwan, should share in the “glory of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”. Both these leaden phrases are fantasy. However confident Xi may feel in his autocratic grip […]

US and UK forces bomb Houthi targets in Yemen

US and UK forces have bombed more than a dozen sites used by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen in a massive retaliatory strike using warship-launched Tomahawk missiles and fighter jets, US officials said. The military targets included logistical hubs, air defence systems and weapons storage locations. The strikes marked the first US military response against […]

New Hampshire man pleads guilty in Harvard bomb threat case

A New Hampshire man pleaded guilty Wednesday for his role in a “series of extortionate bomb threats” against Harvard University in April, the Justice Department announced. William Giordani, 55, pleaded guilty in federal court in Boston to a count of concealing a federal felony. He was arrested in May and indicted by a federal grand […]