Tag: Bleaching

Coral reefs are experiencing another global bleaching event. Growing corals on artificial reefs could help save them

Editor’s Note: Call to Earth is a CNN editorial series committed to reporting on the environmental challenges facing our planet, together with the solutions. Rolex’s Perpetual Planet initiative has partnered with CNN to drive awareness and education around key sustainability issues and to inspire positive action. Miami Beach, Florida is known for its art deco flair and […]

Climate skeptic dismisses severity of Great Barrier Reef bleaching

Scientists predict recent bleaching at Australia’s Great Barrier Reef will be the worst on record, but skeptics online dismiss the damage by claiming coral populations are at a record high. This is missing context; while there has been growth over the past decade, marine scientists warn global warming has negatively affected biodiversity and resilience in […]

Satellites watch as 4th global coral bleaching event unfolds (image)

Multiple major coral reefs around the world are getting paler due to warming sea temperatures in the fourth-ever global bleaching event, and satellites are keeping tabs on the carnage. The grim event, the second in a decade, is affecting over half the world’s coral area across the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. The toll includes […]

Coral reef misinformation bubbles up amid bleaching worldwide

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef experienced the most widespread bleaching on record in the summer of 2023 to 2024, with skeptics dismissing the role of human-induced climate change in putting coral barriers under intense heat stress. But scientists say ocean warming is the main cause for repeated, intense bleaching over recent decades. “Coral bleaching is a […]

World’s coral reefs hit by a fourth mass bleaching event, NOAA says

Extreme ocean heat is causing a mass bleaching event in coral reefs across the globe, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA on Monday declared that a “4th global coral bleaching event” was taking place and that bleaching had been documented over the last 14 months in every major ocean basin, including off […]

Scientists say coral reefs around the world are experiencing mass bleaching

Coral reefs around the world are experiencing global bleaching for the fourth time, top reef scientists have declared, a result of warming ocean waters amid human-caused climate change. Coral reef bleaching across at least 53 countries, territories or local economies has been confirmed from February 2023 to now, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]

Coral reefs suffer fourth global bleaching event, NOAA says

By Gloria Dickie and Alison Withers (Reuters) – Along coastlines from Australia to Kenya to Mexico, many of the world’s colorful coral reefs have turned a ghostly white in what scientists said on Monday amounted to the fourth global bleaching event in the last three decades. At least 54 countries and territories have experienced mass […]