Tag: blasphemy

Tourist accused of blasphemy killed by mob in Pakistan

A tourist has been dragged from a police station and killed by a mob in north-west Pakistan after being accused of blasphemy. The police had been attempting to protect the man from the large group in the town of Madyan, a town in Swat district. The mob had gathered after the man was accused of […]

Muslim mob torches police station and lynches man accused of blasphemy

A Muslim mob in north-western Pakistan has broken into a police station, snatched a man who was held there and then lynched him over allegations that he had desecrated Islam’s holy book, the Koran. The attackers also torched the station in Madyan, a town in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and burned police vehicles parked there, according […]

Pakistan woman in Arabic print dress saved from mob claiming blasphemy

An angry mob in Pakistan accused a woman who wore a dress adorned with Arabic calligraphy of blasphemy, after mistakenly believing them to be Quran verses. She was saved by police who escorted her to safety after hundreds gathered. The dress has the word “Halwa” printed in Arabic letters on it, meaning sweet in Arabic. […]