Tag: betrays

Supreme Court betrays conservatism with disastrous Trump presidential immunity ruling

The Supreme Court’s decision Monday in Donald Trump’s immunity case is a 119-page distillation of everything that is wrong with our politics. History will judge harshly the decision that creates an imaginary “absolute immunity” for a president’s official acts. The Republican majority opinion in the Trump immunity case is a disaster of anti-constitutional thinking that […]

When immigrants are demonized, the U.S. betrays its ideals — and economic reality

We might as well just take down the Statue of Liberty. Retire the “Mother of Exiles,” in Emma Lazarus’ 140-year-old words. Extinguish her torch welcoming from other nations “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” And forget the rhapsodizing we’ve long heard, from social-studies teachers and presidents including John F. Kennedy […]