Tag: Bells

Thwarted supply-chain hack sets off alarm bells across DC

A foiled attempt to subvert a widely used software utility is raising critical questions across D.C. about the vulnerability of the open-source supply chain — and to what extent foreign nation-states are actively using cloak-and-dagger human spycraft to exploit it. — What happened: Andres Freund, a software engineer at Microsoft, discovered fragments of malicious code […]

Google’s Sundar Pichai Wants To Focus On ‘Durable Cost Savings’ In 2024 While His Engineers Ring Alarm Bells Over ‘Lack Of Vision’

Alphabet Inc.’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Google is under fire from employees past and present who think that the company’s leadership lacks vision. What Happened: Diane Hirsh Theriault, a software engineer at Google, criticized the tech giant’s leadership on LinkedIn earlier last week. Theriault asserted that the company lacks visionary leaders and has been conducting random layoffs […]