Tag: Ballerina

Janie Slaven: THE PREACHER’S DAUGHTER: I’m not a ballerina

May 22—I have been known to be judgmental. I will fully own that. All of my life I’ve been afraid of women. They intimidate me. They are prettier, stronger, more talented than me. I developed a coping mechanism from an early age that if I could make fun of myself first, then maybe those women […]

An ex-KGB agent says every American that Putin can imprison is ‘an asset that you can trade’ as Moscow detains a US ballerina

Russia’s imprisoning of US citizens as bargaining chips is “nothing new,” an ex-KGB agent said. Jack Barsky told Fox that this gives Moscow an “asset that you can trade.” Ksenia Karelina, a US-Russian ballerina, is the latest American citizen to be detained by Russia. Every US citizen detained by Russia gives the Kremlin an “asset that you […]