Tag: Bald

1st egg of 2024 laid in Hays bald eagle nest

An eagle has laid an egg in the Hays bald eagle nest in Pittsburgh. According to the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania, the egg was laid Tuesday at around 8:30 p.m. Now that there is an egg in the nest, an adult bald eagle will stay on the nest constantly to incubate the egg. Adult […]

Eagle survey reveals numerous bald eagles in the region

Jan. 23—By GREG JORDAN Bluefield Daily Telegraph HINTON — Numerous living symbols of America were sighted and counted recently when experienced spotters joined volunteers for the 19th Winter Eagle Survey in southern West Virginia and Southwest Virginia. Bald eagles hunt and nest in both Virginias, so volunteers join veteran spotters to count their numbers. Eagle […]

Bald eagles seen floating on iceberg in Merrimack River

WATCH: Bald eagles seen floating on iceberg in Merrimack River A stunning video captured by a Boston 25 News viewer showed a pair of bald eagles floating on an iceberg in the Merrimack River in Massachusetts over the weekend. Lauren Loughlin shared a video of the eagles on the ice under the Rocks Village Bridge […]