Tag: bakeries

Bakeries bring bread to north Gaza but hunger persists

By Mahmoud Issa and Saleh Salem GAZA/DOHA (Reuters) – Asmaa al-Belbasi walks an hour to her nearest bakery each day to fetch bread for her children and other relatives in the north Gaza districts where aid agencies say famine still looms despite rising supplies. The route can be dangerous, along streets strewn with rubble from […]

Three bakeries resume operations in Gaza with UN aid

Three bakeries in Gaza City resumed operations on Sunday with the help of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). According to eyewitness reports, thousands of people showed up to buy food shortly after the announcement was made that bread would be baked in the bakeries again. Israeli airstrikes have destroyed many of the city’s […]

New Washington cage-free egg law takes toll on bakeries

Shoppers are noticing eggs have become more expensive at Washington State grocery stores. That’s because of a new law that just took effect in 2024 that requires retailers to only sell cage-free eggs. The law was originally passed in 2019. But for people on a budget, it just means another hit to the wallet. The change […]