Tag: bachelors

A millennial who went to college in his 30s when his career stalled says his Bachelor’s degree is ‘worthless’ and that he’s been looking for a job for 3 years

A Massachusetts millennial says having a college degree hasn’t helped him land a job over the past three years. Daniel Colflesh A millennial quit his job in 2015 to pursue a college degree because his career growth had stalled. But he’s struggled to land a job since graduation and is stuck with student debt. He’s […]

New Data Reveals Few Community College Transfers Complete a Bachelor’s Degree

A new report has revealed only 16 percent of community college transfers earn a four-year degree with Black, Latino and low-income students taking the brunt of the completion outcomes. The data, released by the Community College Research Center and the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program, found about one-third of community college students transfer to a […]

Utah Public Colleges Try Three-Year Bachelor’s Degrees

This article was originally published in Utah News Dispatch. During the 2022-23 academic year, Utah public colleges and universities awarded 19,219 bachelor’s degrees. It was about 100 more than the previous year. But, the Utah System of Higher Education wants to see even better outcomes with a new system: giving students the option to get […]

Studies show few MS community college students transfer to four-year schools, fewer earn bachelor’s

Feb. 21—TUPELO — Relatively few community college students in Mississippi transfer to four-year institutions and even fewer earn bachelor’s degrees within six years of their enrollment in community college, according to the results of a new national study. The studies — conducted by Columbia University’s Community College Research Center, the Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program, […]

Community college bachelor’s degrees have been a win-win. California should offer more

Sixty-four years ago, California adopted a master plan for higher education that, among other things, set operational parameters for the state’s three college systems. The University of California would be the research center in addition to providing undergraduate and graduate degrees up to doctorates in major fields of study, including medicine and law. The California State University […]