Tag: baby

Why you should be snacking on baby carrots 3 times a week

If your go-to snack includes baby carrots, congratulations: you’re doing great things for your health. New research presented at the Nutrition 2024 conference found that a snack of baby carrots just three times a week increased skin carotenoids in young adults. Carotenoids are the pigments found in fruits and vegetables that give them their bright […]

How Much Does the Average Baby Boomer Have in Savings?

JLco – Julia Amaral / iStock/Getty Images Baby boomers are the wealthiest generation in history. Members of this generation prospered thanks to the post-World War II economic boom. They bought homes and got high-paying jobs without taking on student loan debt, setting them up for a wealthy life — and even wealth to pass onto […]

Woman firefighter on Brazil frontline after 2020 flames took her baby

Debora dos Santos Avila used to resent firefighters for the death of her five-month-old baby in 2020, when she says he succumbed to smoke inhalation from worst-ever flames in Brazil’s Pantanal. But this year, as the world’s largest tropical wetlands sees new record infernos, the bereaved mother is on the frontline fighting back the flames […]

How to give your baby a name you won’t regret? We asked the experts

How to name a baby is one of the first and most important decisions parents-to-be face. How to choose a baby name is something that varies among parents, depending on personal preferences, family lineage, religion, culture, and much more. Choosing a baby name gets more complicated when parents don’t agree on specific baby names or […]