Tag: Austins

Pentagon walks back Austin’s Gaza casualty figures

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Congress on Thursday that more than 25,000 women and children had been killed by Israel in Gaza since October 7, but the Pentagon later clarified that estimate, saying the figure came from the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry, not U.S. intelligence. During a congressional hearing, Austin was […]

Who was to blame for secrecy surrounding Austin’s hospitalization? A Pentagon report says no one

WASHINGTON (AP) — An internal review blames privacy restrictions and staff hesitancy for the Pentagon’s failure last month to quickly notify the president and other senior leaders about Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin‘s hospitalization for complications from prostate cancer surgery. The review, which was done by Austin’s subordinates, largely absolves anyone of wrongdoing for the secrecy […]

Secretary Austin’s doctors think he may need additional care

By Nandita Bose WASHINGTON (Reuters) – White House National Security spokesman John Kirby said on Sunday Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin‘s doctor’s think he may still need some additional care. “We’ll see, you know, when he can be released, but obviously they still feel like he may need some additional care…part of that is just physical […]