Tag: Astronomers

Spacetime ripples detected in 2023 continue to puzzle astronomers. Could they be from the dawn of the universe?

Scientists are still hunting for the source of the faint, persistent hum of gravitational waves discovered reverberating through the Milky Way last year. Those waves could point to more than one tantalizing source, new research suggests. The discovery team, the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves, or NANOGrav, collaboration, strongly suspects the ripples in […]

Astronomers discover strangely missing stars in galaxies near Milky Way

A newfound population of stars in nearby dwarf galaxies represents the long-sought progenitors of a specific type of stellar death, or supernova, according to new research. Theories have shown that, for every three massive stars, one is stripped of its outer hydrogen layers across hundreds, or even thousands, of years such that its scorching hot […]