Tag: Astronomers

Astronomers unravel the mystery of the ‘Dragon’s Egg’ nebula

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Two large stars residing inside a spectacular cloud of gas and dust nicknamed the “Dragon’s Egg” nebula have presented a puzzle to astronomers. One of them has a magnetic field, as does our sun. Its companion does not. And such massive stars are not usually associated with nebulae. Researchers […]

Cosmic gold rush! Astronomers find 49 new galaxies in just 3 hours

Astronomers have been surprised by a “gold rush” of new galaxies, racking up 49 discoveries in just 3 hours. The gas-rich galaxies were uncovered by a team using the MeerKAT radio telescope located in South Africa. They have been dubbed the “forty-niners,” a callback to the nickname given to the thousands of gold miners who […]

Astronomers call for radio silence on the far side of the moon

There’s a growing and passionate call for preserving radio silence on the far side of the moon. A first-of-its-kind international symposium is being held this week, turning up the volume to mull over the prospect of protecting real estate on the moon’s far side exclusively for dedicated scientific purposes. Despite the moon being surrounding by […]

Astronomers discover the ingredients for habitable worlds — and maybe a cocktail — around two baby stars

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have detected commonplace chemical ingredients found in vinegar, ant stings and even margaritas around two young stars, according to NASA. The complex organic molecules they observed using the space […]

Astronomers discover oldest ‘dead’ galaxy in the distant universe

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Astronomers have spotted the oldest “dead” galaxy ever observed while studying the cosmos with the James Webb Space Telescope, and it’s one of the deepest views into the distant universe made with the observatory to […]

Astronomers discover 3 previously unknown moons orbiting planets in our solar system

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Astronomers have discovered three previously unknown moons around Uranus and Neptune, the most distant planets in our solar system. The find includes one moon spotted orbiting Uranus — the first discovery of its kind in more […]

Astronomers observe scar on white dwarf ‘cannibal’ star

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A slowly cooling stellar ember called a white dwarf with a scar on its face is providing new insight into the behavior of certain “cannibal” stars at the end of their life cycle. Using the European Southern Observatory’s Chile-based Very Large Telescope, researchers studied a white dwarf located about […]