Tag: arresting

Tiny British territory in row with US after arresting American holidaymakers

A tiny British island territory is embroiled in a diplomatic row with the United States after refusing to release five Americans accused of carrying ammunition in their holiday luggage, The Telegraph can reveal. The Turks and Caicos Islands, a Caribbean archipelago governed as a British Overseas Territory, has arrested the tourists on suspicion of illegally […]

Brazil police seizing Bolsonaro passport, arresting close aides

By Lisandra Paraguassu, Ricardo Brito and Gabriel Stargardter BRASILIA (Reuters) -Brazil’s federal police on Thursday sought to confiscate former President Jair Bolsonaro‘s passport and arrest some of his closest aides, sources said, as part of an investigation into an alleged coup attempt after he lost the 2022 election. The operation reflects a tightening net around […]