Tag: architecture

US Army’s new all-domain sensing team to wrangle sensor architecture

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — The U.S. Army’s new team designed to allow the service to see deeply into a battlespace will initially work toward creating an architecture of sensors as well as processing and disseminating the enormous amount of data collected from those sensors, according to Army Futures Command leader Gen. James Rainey. The All-Domain Sensing […]

What African architecture can teach the world

Salt bricks and sweeping mud walls – as recently showcased by some African architects – may be the building blocks for innovative designs of the future. Such ideas were explored by Nigerian architect Tosin Oshinowo in a major exhibition she recently curated in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). She wanted to look at how regions […]

Ukraine revives international law system with security guarantees architecture – Zelenskyy

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has noted that Ukraine is effectively reviving the international law system with the security guarantees architecture. Source: Zelenskyy’s evening address Quote: “Through the entire architecture of security commitments – a new architecture – we are effectively bringing to life, reviving the system of international law. And when justice is restored for […]