Tag: Antarctic

Meteorites may be lost to Antarctic ice as climate warms, study says

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. The icy plains of Antarctica are a magnet for meteorite hunters such as Maria Valdes, a research scientist at the Field Museum of Natural History and the University of Chicago. Some 1,000 space rocks are found in […]

Scientists investigate thousands of dead Antarctic penguins for bird flu

By Jake Spring (Reuters) – Has bird flu already killed hundreds, if not thousands of penguins in Antarctica? That’s what researchers are seeking to find out after a scientific expedition last month found at least 532 dead Adelie penguins, with thousands more thought to have died, according to a statement from Federation University Australia. While […]

Antarctic scientists warn of bird flu spread as penguin cases confirmed

By Natalia A. Ramos Miranda and Jorge Vega SANTIAGO (Reuters) – Scientists in Antarctica are warning of the spread of deadly H5N1 avian flu virus after the disease was first confirmed on the frozen continent’s mainland last month and has since been detected in local penguin and cormorant populations. The spread of the virus, which […]

Antarctic sea ice extent ties for second lowest on record

Scientists believe Antarctic sea ice coverage has reached its minimum extent for the year, which ties the record for the second-lowest level since 1979. According to NOAA satellite data, sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached an annual minimum extent of 768,000 square miles on Feb. 20, 2024. The date is fairly near when the continent reaches […]

Antarctic researchers explain why air traps were installed near Vernadsky Base

Ukrainian scientists have installed passive sensors, also known as “air traps,” near the Vernadskyi Research Base. Source: National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine These sensors are made of special materials that accumulate volatile pollutants. They function like filters and do not require a power source. The devices were installed on the Argentine Islands archipelago. In […]