Tag: alien

Machine learning could help us find alien technology. Here’s how

In 2015, the same year an immense observatory on Earth captured proof of the 4D fabric of spacetime, scientists began toying with a rather far-fetched idea: If intelligent aliens are out there, might they have tried making a scientific megastructure of their own? And if they did, can we find it? Actually, have we already? […]

Alien life could thrive in Venus’ acidic clouds, new study hints

New research is focusing on the sulfuric-acid clouds of Venus as a potential abode for life. The new Venus study calls for the start of a new branch of astrobiology and a new branch of organic chemistry. “The search for signs of life beyond Earth is a motivator in modern-day planetary exploration, but life on […]

This alien planetary system has a Jupiter world 99 times wider than Earth

Astronomers have discovered not one but two planetary systems with sun-like stars at their hearts. Both of these systems contain mini-Neptune planets and one harbors a huge “super-Jupiter” world, all of which are many times more massive than Earth. Studying the realms could lead to a better understanding of how planets form and evolve around […]