Tag: Alexei

Alexei Navalny’s mother appeals for release of her son’s body

The mother of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has appealed to President Vladimir Putin to intervene and turn her son’s body over to her so she can bury him with dignity. Lyudmila Navalnaya, who has been trying to get his body since Saturday, appeared in a video outside the Arctic penal colony where Mr Navalny […]

Blaming Vladimir Putin for death of Alexei Navalny ‘unfounded’, Kremlin says

Russian President Vladimir Putin did not see the video in which Alexei Navalny’s widow vowed to continue his fight against the Kremlin, his spokesman said, and dismissed her allegations that Mr Putin had killed the country’s opposition leader as “unfounded” and “insolent”. In the video released on Monday, Yulia Navalnaya accused Mr Putin of killing […]

No, Donald Trump does not equal Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny didn’t simply die. He wasn’t just murdered. He was tortured to death. It didn’t happen on the rack or mid-beating, but Vladimir Putin — who had tried to eliminate him earlier — slowly killed Navalny all the same. Putin sent the Russian dissident and anti-corruption activist to the gulag with the aim of […]

Alexei Navalny’s widow vows to continue his fight against Kremlin

The widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has vowed to continue his fight against the Kremlin, while authorities denied his mother access to a mortuary where his body is believed to be held after his death last week in an Arctic penal colony. With her voice cracking at times in a video posted on […]

Yulia Navalnaya, Alexei Navalny’s wife, says she will take up his fight

Semafor Signals Supported by Insights from The Guardian, the Financial Times, and Novaya Gazeta Europe The News Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, said she would carry on her dead husband’s fight against President Vladimir Putin. Navalnaya, described by some as the “First Lady” of Russian opposition, called for supporters to […]

Germany summons Russian ambassador over death of Alexei Navalny

The German Foreign Office is summoning the Russian ambassador on Monday over the death of Alexei Navalny, a ministry spokeswoman said. The politically motivated proceedings against Navalny and numerous other critics of the Russian government, as well as the inhumane prison conditions, show how brutally the Russian judiciary acts against dissidents and the means used […]

Nikki Haley condemns Trump for not commenting on Alexei Navalny death

Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley on Sunday criticized her party’s leading contender for the White House nomination, Donald Trump, for avoiding meaningful comment on the death of Alexei Navalny, the imprisoned political nemesis of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. “Either he sides with Putin and thinks it’s cool that Putin killed one of his political opponents […]

Who are Alexei Navalny’s fellow key Russian dissidents?

The sudden death of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most formidable antagonist has left an open wound in Russia’s political opposition. Alexei Navalny, 47, was the Kremlin’s best-known critic at home and abroad. Before he died in a penal colony on Friday, the anti-corruption crusader, protest organiser and politician with an arch sense of humour became […]

The Life and Death of Alexei Navalny

On Friday morning, Russian prison authorities announced the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. He reportedly had felt unwell after a walk in the courtyard of Penal Colony No. 3—where he had been transferred a few weeks earlier—and lost consciousness. Arriving rescuers’ attempts to revive him were unsuccessful, and Navalny’s team confirmed his death […]