Tag: advocates

Don’t give up on the FAFSA, advocates for student financial aid urge

The number of federal student financial aid forms filed by graduating high school seniors is down compared to last year, after glitches and technical errors plagued the process. (Photo by sdominick/Getty Images) WASHINGTON — Though the new version of the form to apply for federal financial student aid has had its fair share of highly […]

Don’t give up on the FAFSA, advocates for student financial aid urge

(Photo by sdominick/Getty Images) WASHINGTON — Though the new version of the form to apply for federal financial student aid has had its fair share of highly publicized hiccups, U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal says the department has made a lot of progress in the past couple of months. The Free Application for […]

Republicans, Latino advocates on Biden immigration shift

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden announced a new program Tuesday that would provide a path to citizenship to some 500,000 people who have been in the country for a decade or more, and are married to United States citizens. The election-year announcement was quickly denounced by his Republican opponent Donald Trump. It was […]

Rep. Burgess Owens advocates for rural transit expansion in Utah

Utah Rep. Burgess Owens said as he reviewed everything he saw related to public transportation on his trip to Nevada in December 2023, he came away impressed. During this field tour, organized by the Western Caucus Foundation, the Utah 4th District congressman and a handful of colleagues learned more about Hoover Dam and inspected the […]

Biden and gun-control advocates want to flip an issue long dominated by the NRA

ATLANTA (AP) — Groups pushing tighter gun laws have been building political muscle through multiple elections, boosted by the outcry following mass shootings at schools and other public places, to say nothing of the nation’s daily gun violence. Now, gun-control advocates and many Democrats see additional openings created by hardline positions of the gun lobby […]