Tag: Advice

Dermatologists share their best advice

If you were reveling in beach time, a desert hike or just a sunny backyard hang and got some painfully red skin to show for it, try not to beat yourself up too much — sunburn happens to the best of us. A sunburn is an inflammatory reaction to the sun’s UV rays having long-term […]

Advice for new college graduates

College graduations are a whirl of excitement wrapped in a sadness of goodbyes. At the core, though, there’s hope. It’s been three years since I attended a commencement ceremony, but the memory lingers. It was Duke University’s, and I was beaming as my niece accepted her Bachelor of Science diploma. That day, singer-songwriter John Legend […]

What advice might old Abe offer today’s candidates?

You know the world is an entertaining place to navigate for sure, and American politics is much better theater maybe than the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Politics is often fairly humorous, too, if it didn’t have such serious ramifications to consider. For instance, former President Donald Trump during a debate with Joe […]

Dua Lipa hosts and performs, but has no good advice for Gov. Kristi Noem

Saturday Night Live was back in business this week with singer and songwriter Dua Lipa as both its host and performer. The sketches didn’t land as many laughs as Ryan Gosling’s Beavis and Butthead scene from the April 13 episode, but there were still some interesting highlights. Jerry Seinfield and Troye Sivan provided noteworthy cameos. […]

‘I’m 53 Years Old, Have Absolutely Nothing For Retirement, I’m $50,000 In Debt, And I Want A Divorce’ — Dave Ramsey’s Advice To Truck Driver

A 53-year-old trucker named Donny called into “The Ramsey Show”  asking Dave Ramsey and co-host Dr. John Delony for advice on finding a way out of his distressing circumstances. Donny’s initial admission set the tone. “I’m 53 years old, have absolutely nothing for retirement, I’m $50,000 in debt, and I want a divorce,” he said. […]