Tag: 401k

My 401(k) Has $400,000. Can I Retire at 62?

A couple retiring at 62 with $400k You can retire a little early on $400,000, but it won’t be easy. If you have the option of working and saving for a few more years, it will give you a significantly more comfortable retirement. By waiting until at least age 67, you can collect more in lifetime […]

9 Reasons You Need More Than a 401(k) for a Comfortable Retirement

Prostock-Studio / Getty Images/iStockphoto If you have a 401(k) that you’re contributing to through your employer, you may think your retirement needs are covered. Unfortunately, while a 401(k) is a good option, that alone might not be enough for a comfortable retirement. See Also: 9 Moves for Retirement Planning To Make Now If You’re Worried […]

Why You’ll Regret Putting Too Much Money in Your 401(K)

©Shutterstock.com Saving for retirement is non-negotiable and a 401(K) is an excellent tool for building a sizable nest egg and securing your financial future. However, too much of a good thing has its downsides, and over-investing in a 401(K) can lead to some frustrating restrictions and unexpected side effects that can derail your financial plans. […]

I’m Retired and I Regret Investing In My 401(k) — Here’s Why

Inside Creative House / iStock.com When it comes to funding their golden years, most Americans rely heavily on their 401(k) retirement accounts to make it happen. But for 67-year-old retiree Therese R., that widely-accepted wisdom doesn’t exactly check out. In fact, she has some regrets about sinking so much into her 401(k). Here’s why one […]