Tag: 20s

Millions of Americans already have high cholesterol in their 20s and 30s — and don’t know it. Here’s why that worries doctors.

It’s estimated that millions of Americans are walking around with dangerous levels of “bad” cholesterol in their blood well before their 40th birthday. But many have no idea, because doctors typically don’t screen, much less treat, people for high cholesterol in their 20s or 30s. U.S. guidelines don’t call for Americans to be screened during […]

A woman started working out in her 20s but didn’t get shredded until her 50s. Here’s what she wishes she’d known at the start.

Susan Niebergall worked out for decades but didn’t lose fat until she addressed her nutrition. Niebergall, now 63, prioritizes protein and daily movement. Aging doesn’t necessarily lead to weight gain, and it’s never too late to make healthy changes. Susan Niebergall couldn’t understand why she struggled to get in shape despite trying all sorts of […]

Why are so many Gen Z-ers learning ballet in their late 20s?

Gen Zers, specifically women in their late 20s, have been taking to TikTok to reveal that they’re learning ballet for the first time. While taking up a hobby in adulthood isn’t anything new, this wholesome trend has sparked conversation, begging the questions: Why ballet and why now? Patricia Jones (@patriciaaajones_), who resides in Iceland, has […]