Tag: 105yearold

105-year-old great-grandmother gets her Stanford degree after 83 years

Eighty-three years after leaving her master’s program at Stanford University for love, 105-year-old Virginia “Ginger” Hislop returned to earn her degree, proving it’s never too late to get an education. Hislop’s journey began in 1936 at Stanford University School of Education, where she pursued a bachelor’s degree in education. She graduated in 1940 and promptly […]

83 years later, 105-year-old finally earns master’s from Stanford

Virginia Hislop has spent a lifetime trying to increase access to education, and now, at 105 years old, she appears to have completed her own schooling. On Sunday, Hislop celebrated Stanford University’s conference of a master of art’s degree in education — 83 years after having left campus just shy of the degree. Her son-in-law […]

105-year-old eclipse chaser excited to add another to his list

FORT WORTH — From Texas to Brazil, the 105-year-old eclipse chaser from Fort Worth witnessed 12 solar eclipses in his life and he’s ready to watch his 13th on April 8. It all started in 1963 when Laverne Biser packed up his bags and headed for Maine to witness his first eclipse. Six decades later, […]