Hot summer months draw out more bugs: Here’s what to know

With not many bugs crawling around Arizona in the winter months, the creatures begin to emerge from the desert terrain in the hot and sunny weather.

Nature Guard Pest & Lawn states that as temperatures rise and food and shelter become more abundant, pests become increasingly active in spring. By summer, pests reach their peak activity levels.

An insect calendar put together by the University of Arizona, details an increase of bugs present on our landscape from May to August. Here’s what to know about the insects you could possibly encounter this summer.


Not many of Arizona’s most well-known insects come out in May. However, there are multiple different species that can be spotted during the last month of spring.

Agave weevils- According to the Insect calendar, Agave weevils are “shiny” black beetles that have a long snout. The beetles are grounded and feed on agave. When they munch on the agave, they introduce a bacteria which causes the plants to die.

What to do: If you have an infestation of agave weevils, the insect calendar recommends you sprinkle diazinon around uninfected plants. The beetles are not harmful to humans.

Swallowtail butterflies: In May, the Insect calendar noted that yellow and black swallowtail butterflies may be sighted on citrus trees. They lay their eggs on citrus leaves, which hatch into “orange dog caterpillars.” These caterpillars consume only a few leaves throughout their lifespan.

What to do: Control for swallowtail butterflies is not necessary.

Blister beetles: Blister Beetles feed on pollen and come in black, yellow and red, according to the insect calendar. They have a “toxic” material that can cause burning or blistering in the skin if they are picked up or handled.

What to do: It is recommended not to pick up the beetles with bare hands and to keep in mind they are harmful and toxic to horses if ingested.

May or June beetles: These beetles which are also called chafer beetles, are attracted to lights, according to the insect calendar. They lay eggs in soil which turn into “white grubs” that feed on roots of turf and plants.

What to do: They can be controlled by using nematodes or with pesticides available from garden stores.

Leafcutter bees– These bees will remove pieces of leaves and roses to line their nests, according to insect calendar. They are important pollinators to the ecosystem.

What to do: To protect roses you can cover them with a floating cover.


Cicadas- These noisy creatures can be heard singing or buzzing during the hot weather. They do not cause damage to plants and do not need to be controlled.

To learn more about the insect, visit this Republic article.

Ants and termites- Ants and termites will come out with summer monsoon rains, according to the insect calendar. Their colonies can produce thousands of insects during this time of year, but the period of time they swarm is short.

What to do- If you think you may have a swarm or are concerned, you can schedule a termite inspection.

Black widow spiders- Black widow spiders are venomous, but they are typically not aggressive and not many people die from their bites. Black widows typically prefer dry and arid environments. To learn more about the Black Widow, visit this Republic article.

Scorpions– According to the insect calendar, these creatures are highly active during hot summer nights and can be found with a black light at night. Only one scorpion, the bark scorpion, is poisonous. However, it is recommended to always wear closed toed shoes at night.

What to do: Scorpion stings can be painful, but they are usually not life threatening. If you believe you have been stung by a bark scorpion, it is recommended to call your local poison control center.

Giant palm borer beetles– According to insect calendar, these bugs emerge from the trunks of palm trees and leave a hole in them the size of a quarter. Palm trees that are heavily infested should be taken down because they are likely to break or fall over in strong wind.

Conenose or kissing bugs– These bugs are dark brown with yellow or red markings and feed on the blood of rodents, but also on humans, usually when they are sleeping.

What to do: According to the insect calendar, they may cause allergic reaction and if you believe you have bitten and could be allergic, call your local poison control center immediately.


Sun spiders or wind scorpions: According to insect calendar the spider-relatives have large jaws which make them look scary, but they are relatively harmless and only capture and eat insects. They become attracted to bright lights at night.

Palo Verde borers– These are large dark brown beetles with have a collar behind their heads. They are harmless if they are left alone and feed on plants, but not palo verdes!

What to do– To keep these pests away, properly water trees and shrubs.

Indian house crickets and cockroaches- The insects can feed on rotting garbage and dog food and can grow in population rather quickly, according to Insect calendar. They are most active at night.

What to do: To get rid of them, boric acid, cockroach traps and sticky traps can be used indoors. Outdoors, insecticide sprays can be used.

Fire ants– Fire ants typically nest in urban areas and can enter homes, according to Insect calendar.

What to do: To keep them outside, it is recommended to seal up any cracks and to use ant traps inside. Insecticides can be used outside.

Praying mantids- These insects can resemble stems or twigs and are typically pale green or light brown. They are not poisonous and typically not harmful.


Spider mites- Summer dust storms can make spider mites have an outbreak. Spider mites tend to find themselves in plants. If your plants look like they have yellowed or have spider webs on them, it is recommended to wash the webs and dust off with a hose.

Brown dog ticks- These pests can reach high numbers and can be found in yards or walls, according to Insect calendar. The female ticks can be found on dogs.

What to do: Remove any ticks from the dog’s body and tick and flea control products are available for use and control.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: What to know about bugs during Arizona summers

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