Bombshell texts show tabloid editor calling Stormy Daniels story ‘final nail in the coffin’

Donald Trump’s hush money trial got back underway on Tuesday with Judge Juan Merchan ruling that he found the former president in contempt of court on nine of the first ten violations of the gag order, fining him $1,000 for each.

Further violations may result in “an incarceratory punishment”, he warned.

The judge did say he would give the court a day off to allow Mr Trump to attend his son Barron Trump’s high school graduation on 17 May, apparently happy with the pace of the trial.

In the morning, the court heard further testimony from Gary Farro, the banker for former Trump fixer Michael Cohen who took the stand at the end of last week. Cohen was instrumental in making a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels to cover up an alleged affair with Mr Trump.

Tying much of the story together was Keith Davidson, the former lawyer for Ms Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal, who negotiated the sale of their stories to guarantee their silence — something that became urgent in October 2016 after the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

The Independent’s Alex Woodward is covering the trial at Manhattan Criminal Court.

Key Points

  • Trump fined and threatened with jail if he keeps violating gag order

  • Trump removes offending social media posts that violated gag order

  • The scene outside court in Manhattan

  • Trump baselessly claims ‘Deranged Jack Smith, a sick PSYCHO, got caught’

  • Michael Cohen was Trump’s consummate inside man. Now, he’s on the stand and at risk

21:32 , Alex Woodward

That brings us back to Farro’s testimony from this morning.

Once again we see a confirmation email from Farro’s assistant that funds were deposited into Cohen’s LLC account.

“It meant nothing to me,” Davidson says, “because he had my wiring instructions. All he had to do was wire funds. But he didn’t wire funds. He sent me an email that he had the money, not that he sent the money to me.”

Cohen was a “highly excitable, pants-on-fire kind of guy” at the time, Davidson says.

He compares him to the dog from Up: “Squirrel, squirrel!”

And court concludes for the day.

21:24 , Alex Woodward

Howard: Push for the cash. [David Pecker] and I just told him he has to pay the 150K.

Davidson: He says you’re paying

(He as in Michael Cohen)

“It was very frustrating,” Davidson says. “The entire matter was very frustrating, that it was on again, off again, delays in funding, cancellations, disengaging from clients, re-engaging with clients, Stormy and Gina, and Dylan as sort of a peacemaker brought me back into the fold and he said he reached out to Pecker, he said everything was teed up, he tells me push for the cash, and basically tells me to call Cohen.”

On 26 October, Davidson emailed Cohen for a “fourth or a fifth” time with wiring instructions.

Cohen called and told him that he sorted everything out, Davidson says. “I said I don’t believe him.”

Later that afternoon, Cohen forwarded him details about his First Republic Bank transfer.

21:20 , Alex Woodward

Text messages from 18 October 2016 :

Davidson: I can’t believe Cohen let this go. It’s going to be a shit show.

Howard: All because Trump is tight

Davidson: Yup

Howard: I reckon that Trump impersonator I hired has more cash.

Prosecutor Josh Steinglass asks Davidson: “What did you interpret that to mean?”

Long pause

“That Trump wasn’t as wealthy as he stated,” Davidson says.

Steinglass: “What’s the relevance of that observation?”

“That was a follow-up to Dylan’s text that he was tight,” Davidson replies.

21:11 , Alex Woodward

Steinglass is trying to ask Davidson what he knew about where the money was coming from in the deal, and each time he faces an objection, and each time it is sustained. He’s trying to get Davidson to say that Cohen told him Trump was paying for it.

Court resumes

21:10 , Oliver O’Connell

Court resumed following the afternoon break.

There were objections from Mr Trump’s defence team regarding questions about Mr Davidson’s prior testimony to a grand jury. The objection was sustained.

Before he headed back into the courtroom from the break, he did not respond to shouted questions from pool reporters regarding the possibility of Speaker Johnson being ousted; whether he will continue to post on Truth Social; and how he feels about the gag order.

Democrats will save Mike Johnson amid possible effort to oust him

21:00 , Oliver O’Connell

Gustaf Kilander and Eric Garcia report from Capitol Hill:

House Democrats have announced that they will vote to save Speaker Mike Johnson if far-right Republicans choose to trigger a motion to vacate to remove him.

The motion is being pushed by MAGA Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, but it has struggled to garner support even among some of the Republicans who voted to oust Mr Johnson’s predecessor as speaker, Kevin McCarthy.

Mr Johnson has faced criticism from the right flank of his party after going ahead with a vote to send aid to Ukraine as part of a $95bn foreign aid package that also included funds for Israel and Taiwan.

Continue reading…

Democrats say they would save Republican speaker amid possible effort to oust him

20:39 , Alex Woodward

Steinglass: “What did you think was really happening?”

Davidson: “What did I think was really happening? [pregnant pause] I thought he was trying to kick the can down the road until after the election.”

Judge Merchan calls the afternoon break.

20:35 , Alex Woodward

October 17 2016 email from Davidson:


Please be advised that my client deems her Settlement Agreement cancelled and void ab initio

Please further by advised that I no longer represent her in this or any matter.

“I didn’t want to receive a million frustrated phone calls from Michael Cohen,” Davidson says.

Daniels and her manager wanted frequent updates, and the only updates I could get them were Cohen’s excuses, Davidson says.

“There was a great source of frustration … This is where I said, Hey, this deal is over, and I said to both Cohen and my client, I’m out.”

20:32 , Alex Woodward

Cohen pleaded with Davidson, he says.

“God dammit, what do you expect me to do? My guy is in five different states today… There’s nothing I can do,” Cohen told him, he says.

“I think you can tell by these emails that I was sending him there was a great level of frustration by me and my clients – my client – and I let him know that the level of dissatisfaction was quite high,” Davidson says.

“And he stated, God dammit, I’ll just do it myself.”

Texts negotiating deal for ‘blockbuster Trump story’ about Karen McDougal ‘affair’ shown to court

20:30 , Oliver O’Connell

Alex Woodward reports from the courthouse:

The attorney who represented a former Playboy model who alleged a months-long affair with Donald Trump had offered a “blockbuster” story to a tabloid editor, kicking off negotiations that helped his 2016 campaign bury a potentially embarrassing story in the months before Election Day.

Jurors in the former president’s hush money trial on Tuesday saw a series of text messages between attorney Keith Davidson, who represented Karen McDougal at the time, and then-National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard, who brokered a deal with publisher David Pecker to buy the rights to Ms McDougal’s story for $150,000.

“I have a blockbuster trump [sic] story,” Mr Davidson wrote to Mr Howard on 7 June 2016, according to messages shown in court.

Read on…

Hush money trial sees texts negotiating deal for ‘blockbuster Trump story’

20:27 , Alex Woodward

Davidson began to worry that Cohen was making a “barrage” of excuses to avoid paying him, for his “failure to fund” after meeting a funding deadline.

He emailed Cohen on 17 October to Cohen’s email address at the Trump Organization

“We have a written settlement agreement which calls for settlement payments to be sent by the end of business this past Friday October 14, 2016. No payment was received,” the email reads. “My client informs me that she intends to cancel the settlement contract if no funds are received by 5PM PST today.”

What kinds of excuses?

“He stated that the computer systems were ‘all f***ed up’. He stated that he ‘can’t believe what we’re going through, the Secret Service is here, they have so many goodman firewalls, I can’t get shit,” Davidson says.

20:22 , Alex Woodward

Davidson’s 12 October email to Cohen:

Subject line: “Re: Daniels”

“We good?”

Cohen’s reply: Yes. It’s yom kippur so the office is for all purposes closed. I am in tomorrow but can speak for the next 3 hours via cell if necessary.

Davidson: Not necessary to speak today. You should have all the executed documents a few days ago. Talk to you tomorrow.

20:21 , Alex Woodward

The final part of the deal was padding it out so Davidson could get paid.

“Gina approached me … ‘it’s going to be the easiest deal you’ve ever had your entire life’,” Davidson says, laughing, seemingly acknowledging that this entire thing is why he’s testifying sitting in court across from Trump.

We see the 11 October 2016 email from Davidson to Cohen: “Please find Ms Daniels’ Settlement Agreement & Side Letter Agreement attached.”

It also included bank wiring instructions.

The agreement included pseudonyms to ensure confidentiality.

Stormy became Peggy Peterson and Trump became David Dennison

Is David Dennison a real person?

“He was on my high school hockey team,” Davidson says.

How does he feel about that?

“He is very upset.”

The purpose of using pseudonyms was like using military “codewords,” Davidson says. “It just ensures further confidentially just in case the full contract is lost, misplaced or stolen … You wouldn’t lose the confidentiality.”

20:08 , Alex Woodward

October 10 texts to Cohen and Howard:

Howard: Keith/Michael: connecting you both in regards to that business opportunity. Spoke to the client this AM and they’re confirmed to proceed with the opportunity. Thanks. Dylan.

“Dylan and AMI backed out of that deal, it sort of fell apart, and Dylan asked Gina to call Michael Cohen and finish the deal with him, and Gina refused. She asked me to call Cohen, and then Dylan called me, and convinced me to call Cohen.”

“Dylan was washing his hands of the deal,” Davidson says.

Remember Pecker testified that he wanted nothing to do with the Stormy stuff.

“This story involved his client and that was his interest in the story,” Davidson says of Cohen. “In essence, Michael Cohen stepped into AMI’s shoes.”

20:04 , Alex Woodward

Davidson sent Howard a link to The Dirty story, saying: “Hi, the story is already out there.”

Howard: Yeah but her talking and taking [redacted] is the final nail in the coffin… but he’s f***ed already

What did he mean by that?

“That The Dirty post was bad but it could get a lot worse.”


“If she made a comment.”

After the tape, Rodriguez went “directly to Dylan and negotiated a deal,” according to Davidson.

“I had nothing to do with that.”

20:02 , Alex Woodward

How much influence did the release of that tape have on the Stormy Daniels story?

“So far as I’m aware, it had tremendous influence,” Davidson says. “Before the Access Hollywood tape there was little if any interest … It wasn’t until the Access Hollywood tape that interest sort of reached a crescendo.”

October 8 2016 texts:

Davidson: Trump is f***ed

What made you say that? “The Access Hollywood tape.”

Howard: Wave the white flag. It’s over people!

Davidson testimony turns to Stormy Daniels

20:00 , Alex Woodward

Stormy Daniels’ manager Gina Rodriguez received a call from “some jerk” about a story in TheDirty. com alleging she had an affair with Trump, Davidson testifies.

Who was that jerk?

“Michael Cohen.”

Davidson called Cohen at the Trump Organization, and “before I could get my name out, I was met with a barrage of insults, allegations, that went on for a quite a while”.

“I don’t think he was accusing us of anything. He was just screaming. He was upset that the story on TheDirty. com got published,” he says. “Finally, after he finished, I explained to him that I was calling because my client Stormy Daniels did not want the story published.”

June 30 2016 texts:

Howard: FYI Gina trying to hawk Stormy again.

Davidson: Lol – she’s trying to sell a story to you?

Howard: Yep.

There appeared to be “very little interest … in the marketability of the story,” Davidson says. “This continued through the summer, into the fall, where there was still very little interest despite the fact that Mr Trump’s notoriety was gaining.”

Enter the Access Hollywood story….

19:50 , Alex Woodward

Steinglass asks Davidson about the exclusivity clauses in McDougal’s contract that hand life rights to AMI, to prevent the release of stories that he believed “would tend to hurt Donald Trump.”

On 8 August 2016, Davidson messaged Howard to let him know that he was telling ABC that McDougal was keeping her story quiet.

Davidson: Btw – they promised her a role on dancing with the stars. Season 578568655

“It was discussed a lot. There was an inference … but it was never guaranteed, never part of the deal,” according to Davidson.

Howard: Ha!

Howard: Payment will be made this week FYI – sooner rather than later. Is it going to you?

19:34 , Alex Woodward

Still on 5 August:

Howard: Ok we are paying

Howard: Glad it all sorted

Howard: F***en Jesus

“Just a frustrating deal for everybody involved. It was just a lot of heavy lifting,” Davidson says on the stand.

Davidson: Yes – I believe so. I told Cohen this never would’ve happened without you.

Howard: He’s hopeless. Oh well. Another one done!

Davidson emailed Cohen that same day. “Please call me at your convenience.”

OAN retracts article falsely claiming Michael Cohen had affair with Stormy Daniels

19:30 , Oliver O’Connell

The far-right One America News Network has retracted an article that falsely stated that Michael Cohen had an affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels.

Cohen facilitated a $130,000 hush money payment to Ms Daniels to keep her quiet about an alleged 2006 affair with Donald Trump ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Gustaf Kilander has the details:

OAN retracts article falsely claiming Michael Cohen had affair with Stormy Daniels

Court resumes after lunch

19:29 , Oliver O’Connell

Court has resumed after lunch with Keith Davidson, the former lawyer for Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, back on the stand.

Prosecutors are running through text messages between the witness and National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard regarding a deal for Ms McDougal over the summer of 2016 to hush up her alleged affair with Donald Trump.

Alex Woodward is sending regular updates from the court:

August 2 2016

Davidson: I can’t believe they are asking me to go back for another 25 but they are. [T]He deal is accepted at 150k. Can u do that?

Howard: He just called me. F*** it. Not my money. I’ll ask.

August 5 2016

Davidson: Cameron’s agreement wasn’t really even close to what we were expecting. Please review the red-line I just sent. Need to handle this quickly.

(Cameron was general counsel at AMI.)

Davidson now: “We had come to terms with AMI on the deal points … And that was negotiated between Dylan and I, and Dylan, content editor, handed it off to the legal department … They didn’t jive.”

Watch: MSNBC correspondent says Trump ‘sleeping’ again in court

19:15 , Oliver O’Connell

19:00 , Oliver O’Connell

Nancy Pelosi accuses MSNBC anchor of being ‘Trump apologist’ in heated clash

Trump removes offending social media posts that violated gag order

18:48 , Oliver O’Connell

During the court’s lunch break, and with less than an hour to go before Judge Merchan’s 2.15pm deadline, Donald Trump has removed the offending social media posts that were in violation of the gag order in the his hush money trial.

The former president was fined $1,000 for each of the posts, totalling $9,000 and was told that further violations could mean jail time…

Recap: Trump threatened with jail if he keeps violating gag order

18:40 , Oliver O’Connell

Alex Woodward reports from the courthouse in Lower Manhattan:

The judge presiding over Donald Trump’s hush money trial has threatened to throw him in jail if he continues to break the gag order in the case, after hitting him with a $9,000 fine for nine separate violations.

Moments before a second week of witness testimony began on Tuesday morning, New York justice Juan Merchan issued a brief order from the bench finding the former president in contempt of court and ordering $1,000 fines for nine offending Truth Social posts where he attacked witnesses in the case.

In his written order, the judge warned that Mr Trump could face an “incarceratory punishment” if he continues his “wilful violations” of the court’s order, if “necessary and appropriate under the circumstances”.

Continue reading…

Trump hit with $9,000 fine for violating hush money trial gag order

American expats give their views on Trump, Biden and the 2024 election

18:20 , Oliver O’Connell

An election in which 1 in 6 Americans don’t like either candidate is new territory. And no one finds themselves more called upon to defend their country’s choices than the Americans who currently live abroad.

Gustaf Kilander spoke with American expats:

‘The US is seen as a joke’: American expats on Trump, Biden and the 2024 election

17:59 , Alex Woodward

Howard: She’ll get more out of a deal with AMI than ABC. And I’m happy to sign some sort of agreement that alleviates some fears about jurisdiction/meeting only with AMI.

Davidson: I need this to happen.

Judge Merchan decides to excuse the jurors for lunch.

17:56 , Alex Woodward

Then a follow-up text conversation from 28 July 2016

Howard: We are going to lay it on thick for her

“I think at this point in time Karen was teetering between two competing deals,” Davidson testifies. “We had requested a meeting where each entity could make a pitch where each could make a pitch where they were the correct avenue for Karen.”

Davidson: Good. Throw in an ambassadorship for me. I’m thinking of Isle of Man.

“It was sort of in jest. That was just a joke,” he says now.

Steinglass: Why is that funny?

“I don’t even think the Isle of Man is a country,” Davidson says. “I know they don’t have an ambassador. But I think it was in reference to Mr Trump’s candidacy. … That somehow if Karen did this deal it would somehow help Trump’s candidacy.”

Howard: Lol

17:55 , Alex Woodward

Back to the texts, continuing into 23 July 2016:

Davidson: How about 1m now. And 75k per year for next 2 years as a fitness correspondent for ami & ur related pubs

Howard: I’ll take it to them but thinking it’s more hundreds than millions

Davidson: 800 now and 100 per year for two years for a total of 1m

Howard: Leave w/me

17:50 , Alex Woodward

An exchange from that same day is then shown.

Howard: Yep I plugged a call in. We will have news by Monday

Howard: Get me a price on McDougall [sic]. All in. Consulting gig perhaps as a fitness expert thrown into mix.

Davidson testifies that McDougal’s goals at the time were to “rejuvenate her career” and “make money” but also “avoid telling the story and … becoming a scarlet letter ‘other woman’”.

17:48 , Alex Woodward

Davidson explains: “It was a very unfortunate, regrettable text I sent. That phrase is not one that I use or came up with. That was a term I think by one of Karen’s associates at that first meeting. There were several women who were leaning on Karen to sign a deal with ABC.”

17:46 , Alex Woodward

Davidson said there wasn’t initial interest because McDougal “lacked documentary evidence.”

On 27 June 2016, Davidson texted Howard: It’s a story [t]hat should be told…

Howard: I agree.

We see a text exchange from 21 July 2016.

Howard: Let’s talk DT/Ross tomorrow. I think this is the entree for me to go back to them.

Davidson: Better be quick

Howard: Will do

Howard: I know

Howard: I emailed and said we need to talk urgently

That “Ross” was with ABC News.

“I was trying to play two entities off of each other,” Davidson says, “to create a sense of urgency, if you will.”

Steinglass walks him through why it wouldn’t be weird for an attorney to try to get the best “deal” for their client.

Davidson messaged Howard on 22 July 2016: “Don’t forget about Cohen. Time is of the essence. The girl is being cornered by the estrogen mafia.”

17:39 , Alex Woodward

Howard, on June 20 2016: “Landed. En route to your office.”

He was headed to a meeting with Davidson and McDougal.

What happened at the meeting?

“I can summarize. Ms McDougal alleged that she had a romantic affair with Donald Trump some years prior.”

Was it sexual?

“That’s what she expressed.”

How long did she say it lasted?

“I can’t recall specifically. It was several weeks, months, if not more.”

What was the purpose of the meeting?

“It was sort of a proffer session where Ms McDougal would tell her story … to Dylan Howard on behalf of AMI so that Dylan could gauge interest in the story, where or not AMI did or did not have interest in the story”

Howard then went back to New York to “run it up the flagpole,” Davidson says. He assumed that meant speaking with Pecker.

17:35 , Alex Woodward

We see more messages, from June 10 and 12:

Howard: Did he cheat on Melania?

Howard: Do you know if the affair was during his marriage to Melania?

Davidson: I really can’t say yet. Sorry

“I was not prepared to discuss the details at that point,” Davidson says now.

Howard: OK. Keep me informed.

17:33 , Alex Woodward

On 7 June 2016, Davidson messaged Howard: “I have a blockbuster trump story”.

“It was sort of an entree or a teaser to Dylan to let him know perhaps I had an opportunity for him,” Davidson says. “Regarding the interaction between Karen McDougal and Donald Trump.”

Howard responded: “Talk 1st thing. I will get you more than ANYONE for it. You know why…”

What did that last part mean?

“I don’t know if I had a clear understanding at that time but I knew Dylan’s boss David Pecker and Mr Trump were longtime friends,” Davidson says.

17:29 , Alex Woodward

The agreement retains him for “claims against Donald Trump and/or assisting client in negotiating a confidentiality agreement and or life rights related to interactions with Donald Trump and/or negotiating assignment of exclusive press opportunities regarding same.”

“At that time in mid-2000 teens or so, media outlets both traditional and tabloid would oftentimes enter into exclusive arrangements … in exchange for money,” Davidson says.

Asked if that gave him permission to negotiate on his client’s behalf, he agrees.

17:25 , Alex Woodward

Davidson first met 1998 Playboy playmate of the year Karen McDougal “probably 25 years ago.”

“She was dating a friend of mine,” he says.

By the summer of 2016, “I represented her in order to provide advice and counsel … regarding personal interactions she had.”

With whom? “Donald Trump.”

We see an email from 15 June 2016 with an introduction and a copy of a retainer agreement for her to sign.

17:18 , Alex Woodward

Asked if he knows Dylan Howard, Davidson says: “Dylan Howard was the former content editor I believe, or chief content officer, at American Media Inc … I knew him in my professional dealings. … We were professional acquaintances and friends.”

“On occasion” his clients would “end up” in tabloid media, he says.

Would he negotiate the sale of certain stories? “Rarely.”

On David Pecker: “In my life, I maybe interacted with him three maybe four times.”

When he began interacting with Michael Cohen, his client at the time was “Stephanie Clifford, otherwise known as Stormy Daniels.”

New witness: Keith Davidson

17:11 , Alex Woodward

The next witness is called by prosecutors — Keith Davidson.

Davidson, 53, is a lawyer who represented Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in negotiating deals with AMI to sell their stories of alleged affairs with Mr Trump and obtain NDAs.

Ms Daniels later accused Mr Davidson of colluding with Cohen to keep her silent.

New witness: Phillip Thompson

17:07 , Alex Woodward

After the entry of the video clips into evidence, a new witness is called: Phillip Thompson with Esquire Deposition Solutions, a court reporting company.

The court is shown deposition transcripts and very brief clips from the E Jean Carroll defamation case.

In this deposition, Trump was asked about the Access Hollywood tape, and if he could confirm that his voice was on the tape. Jurors just saw the transcript in which he acknowledged that it was him.

No further questions. He’s off the stand.

Ex-Trump White House aide says she ‘has no choice but to support Biden’

17:00 , Oliver O’Connell

Former deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews joined Atlantic writer McKay Coppins on Jen Psaki’s show on Monday to explain why she feels she can no longer support her former boss, unlike other GOP critics like Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr.

16:48 , Alex Woodward

C-SPAN was subpoenaed for clips from three Trump events in 2016 and 2017.

We’re seeing a clip from this one in North Carolina.

In the video, he says “I no idea who these women are. I have no idea,” calling their stories “total fiction” and “100 per cent made up, they never happened, they never would happen.”

“I don’t know who these people are,” he said. “It’s a total set-up. Now suddenly after many many years, phony accusers come out before the most important election.”

And now clips from this event at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he says women “lied” and the stories are a “total fabrication.”

“The events never happened,” he said.

And finally, a brief clip from a news conference where he called Cohen a “very talented lawyer, very good lawyer, my friend.”

16:45 , Oliver O’Connell

Donald Trump chats with his son Eric Trump on the fifth day of testimony at his hush money trial (REUTERS)

Donald Trump chats with his son Eric Trump on the fifth day of testimony at his hush money trial (REUTERS)

New witness: Dr Robert X Browning, C-SPAN

16:39 , Alex Woodward

Another new witness is called to testify — Dr Robert X Browning.

Browning has been the executive director of the C-SPAN TV archives for 37 years and is testifying under subpoena.

Court resumes

16:32 , Oliver O’Connell

After a quick mid-morning break, court has resumed in Donald Trump’s hush money trial.

Alex Woodward continues to report for The Independent from the courthouse in Lower Manhattan:

Judge Merchan says the text messages up for redaction show “exchanges between a co-conspirator and someone who is not a co-conspirator” that say “pretty prejudicial things”.

Also, Merchan agrees that the defence has “opened the door” to certain questions, which attorneys can use to “explain what I call waffling, going back and forth, among the main witnesses”.

But “at this point, I don’t believe it goes to consciousness of guilt.”

He also announced that a juror has a morning flight on the Friday before Memorial Day so there’s no trial on 24 May.

So that’s two days off the calendar in May already: 17 and 24 May. The judge doesn’t seem bothered. He thinks things are moving on time.

16:07 , Alex Woodward

With the jury out on their morning break, Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass is going over some proposed redactions from some messages in evidence involving people who are not alleged co-conspirators or witnesses.

Those messages are meant to “contextualize” what was going on around the time of the Stormy Daniels transaction so that National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard’s responses can be admitted, Steinglass says.

Steinglass wants to include a message saying “very shady s***” was going on at the time. Blanche does not, obviously.

Blanche also objects to an exchange that says “The Daily Mail is scared of Trump”.

Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo also tells the judge that prosecutors intend to make another Sandoval request — they want to cross-examine Trump, if he testifies, about Judge Merchan’s gag order ruling from this morning…

Colangelo argues that the defence has “opened the door” for that testimony after defence arguments have sought to undermine the credibility of witnesses targeted by Trump.

Essentially three reasons why they want to elicit this testimony: to “offset the defence claim that the witnesses are benefiting from their willingness to testify,” to “explain why both witnesses initially denied certain facts and now acknowledged certain facts,” and to examine Trump’s “consciousness of guilt”

Pelosi brands MSNBC host ‘apologist for Donald Trump’

16:00 , Oliver O’Connell

The veteran former House speaker really lays one on Katy Tur here.

Just brutal.

15:58 , Alex Woodward

Blanche suggests that the bank failed to do its due diligence before opening Cohen’s account.

Farro says that’s “not a fair statement.”

After an account is set up and a transaction is approved, “I can’t be expected to know where it’s going to end up after that,” he said.

Nothing further. Morning recess.

15:52 , Alex Woodward

Blanche asks whether Cohen would be considered a PEC, or “politically exposed person,” which Farro describes as someone who is running for or held office or is related to or very close to someone who did.

“As an attorney for him, I would not consider that a PEC,” Farro says.

Accounts for clients who are PECs “are monitored pretty closely to make sure activity is not going anyway that exposes risk.”

Blanche asks for a moment then bends down and huddles with attorney Emil Bove and Trump, who spoke animatedly into his ear. Then Blanche asks Farro to clarify that he never spoke with Trump.

15:40 , Alex Woodward

Trump attorney Todd Blanche asks whether Michael Cohen ever mentioned he was opening a shell company.

“I don’t open shell corporations,” Farro says.

If a client had told him that his LLC was a shell corporation, with “no business behind them, it would give me pause, quite frankly.”

15:36 , Alex Woodward

The judge also suggests that Trump’s relatively easy ability to pay his fines could make the threat of more severe sanctions necessary:

“While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the judicial system to compel respect for its mandates and to punish the offender for disobeying a court order, it unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine.

“In those circumstances, it would be preferable if the court could impose a fine more commensurate with the wealth of the contemnor. In some cases that might be a $2,500 fine, in other cases it might be a fine of $150,000. Because this Court is not cloaked with such discretion, it must therefore consider whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment.”

Hillary Clinton wades in on Noem’s confession about shooting dog

15:30 , Joe Sommerlad

The former first lady, secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate has become the latest figure to troll Trump ally and South Dakota governor Kristi Noem over her shocking admission that she executed her dog because it was “untrainable”.

Martha McHardy has this report.

Hillary Clinton wades in on Kristi Noem’s shocking confession about shooting dog

15:22 , Alex Woodward

Farro says Cohen never indicated to the bank what the transfer was for. If he mentioned it was for payments to an adult film star, it would’ve raised flags, and the bank would have performed “enhanced due diligence”.

Asked whether it would have been possible that it wouldn’t have been approved, Farro says yes because it “would be considered a reputational risk”.

That’s it for the prosecution’s direct examination of Farro.

Todd Blanche is up for Trump. It’s the first time he’s questioned a witness.

Watch: Trump claims Jack Smith ‘caught with his hand in cookie jar’ in classified documents case

15:20 , Oliver O’Connell

15:12 , Alex Woodward

The wire transfer order drawn up for the bank to Stormy Daniels’ attorney Keith Davidson notes that the purpose is for a “retainer”.

Why does the bank ask?

Farro: “To ensure we’re not doing anything that we don’t want to do.”

15:01 , Alex Woodward

Gary Farro is back on the stand, where we’re looking through emails between Michael Cohen and representatives from First Republic Bank, to confirm his transfer of $130,000.

We see emails exchanged between Cohen’s Trump Organization address confirming the drawdown of home equity line funds to his shell company account.

Full story: Trump hit with $9,000 fine for violating hush money trial gag order

14:55 , Oliver O’Connell

Alex Woodward reports from the courthouse in Lower Manhattan:

Donald Trump has been fined $9,000 for repeatedly violating a gag order in his hush money trial for his ongoing public attacks against witnesses in the case on his Truth Social.

The judge overseeing the case issued a brief order from the bench on Tuesday finding him in contempt of court and ordering him to delete the posts.

In his written order, New York Justice Juan Merchan ordered Mr Trump to delete the post and pay the fine by Friday.

Continue reading…

14:41 , Alex Woodward

Justice Juan Merchan says he won’t hold the trial on 17 May to allow Donald Trump to attend his son Barron’s high school graduation.

And then immediately fined Mr Trump $9,000 for violating the trial’s gag order.

The judge found that the people had met the burden of proof on nine of the first ten violations of the gag order.

Trump seated in court as proceedings get underway

14:34 , Oliver O’Connell

With no family support in the first two weeks of his trial, not only has a small group of Donald Trump’s supporters showed up outside, but his second son Eric Trump joined him in court today.

Here’s how we captured Trump’s presence in court last week:

Trump cuts a lonely figure at trial as family and supporters stay home

As usual, The Independent’s Alex Woodward is reporting live from the courthouse:

Trump has entered, looking behind him while standing at the defence table waiting for his attorneys to arrive.

He’s leaning against the partition and chatting with Eric Trump, the first family member to attend this trial so far.

BIG red tie day.

He’s glowering as usual with his hands folded in front of him at the defence table while the photo pool steps in.

Good news for Trump — some supporters showed up

14:24 , Oliver O’Connell

After last week’s poor showing from supporters of Donald Trump outside his trial in Lower Manhattan, there’s good news for the former president as a more vocal and active show of support was evident this morning.

It may not be the “thousands” of people he claimed were being prevented from protesting, but it’s something at least…

It’s unclear why that man is dressed as Santa.









New York hush money trial: Who’s who in Trump’s criminal case?

14:00 , Joe Sommerlad

As we gear up for the start of week three of Trump’s historic trial, here’s Ariana Baio with a reminder of the key runners and riders.

Meet the key players in Trump’s hush money trial

Hair loss drug used by Trump can cause sexual dysfunction and bad mental health, says watchdog

13:30 , Joe Sommerlad

Presented without comment.

Hair loss drug used by Donald Trump can cause sexual dysfunction, says watchdog

TV party: Conservative media attempts to whip up ‘salad-gate’ and twice confuses Biden with Trump

13:15 , Joe Sommerlad

The right-wing news channels seem to be getting more desperate than ever these days.

On Newsmax, Eric Bolling has been claiming Joe Biden is too old to eat salad and, on Jesse Watters’ Fox show, former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany forgot who was president three years ago while Newt Gingrich engaged in some outstanding projection work.

Neither of them appear to be able to tell Biden and Trump apart.

Michael Cohen was Trump’s consummate inside man. Now, friends say he’s on the stand and at risk

13:00 , Joe Sommerlad

Trump’s former fixer was once so close to him that he once declared that he “would take a bullet for” his boss.

But in the seven years since professing his unwavering loyalty, the disbarred lawyer has suffered his own very public downfall and criminal conviction and is now recast as star witness in the Manhattan’s district attorney’s hush money case against the former president.

It is a role that Cohen both relishes — as a reformed “truth-teller” who enthusiastically pulls back the curtain on the alleged murky dealings of Trumpworld — and reviles.

Kelly Rissman offers this profile.

Michael Cohen was Trump’s inside man. Now, he’s on the stand and at risk, friends say

Watch live: Donald Trump’s hush money trial continues in New York

12:35 , Joe Sommerlad

You can watch our latest Manhattan livestream below as day nine of Trump’s hush money is set to get underway shortly.

Bill Barr says Trump often suggested executing rivals

12:30 , Joe Sommerlad

Here’s more on the former US attorney general’s disturbing revelation about his ex-employer’s outbursts in the White House, which Barr appeared determined to dismiss as not serious but which feeds into a long history of threats and violent rhetoric from the candidate.

Bill Barr says Trump often suggested executing rivals in heated White House outbursts

New York hush money trial: The scene outside court

12:15 , Joe Sommerlad

Here’s more from Alex Woodward courtside on what else the defendant has planned this week and who precisely is still showing up in the Big Apple to support him:

“It’s a big week for Trump, who’s gonna fit in two rallies in Michigan and Wisconsin on Wednesday before coming back to New York for a Thursday morning hearing about his gag order-violating statements. Can’t imagine he won’t violate the gag some more at those rallies.

“Outside the court, there’s a growing line for the public – a handful of Trump supporters including two women in American flag hats and matching bandannas and a high schooler who has the day off – while a small group of MAGA hats are assembling by the small park near satellite TV trucks.”

He adds:

“The red hats have entered the park, with a man dressed as what I can best describe as a MAGA Santa, and unfurled a massive yellow banner reading ‘FINISH THE WALL’ above another banner reading ‘TRUMP SAVE AMERICA’, which is the name of the campaign’s chief fundraising PAC.

“This group has been out here most trial days but appears to have arrived a bit early today (Trump has falsely claimed that thousands have been turned away. Anyone can enter the park. These are the people who do, and it’s not a lot.)

“A white van waving a massive US flag with a Trump 2024 flag (‘Take America Back’) just drove by, laying on the horn as the small protest crowd cheered.”

Florida classified documents case: Coat hanger could unlock storage room where Trump kept secret files, witness says

12:00 , Joe Sommerlad

We definitely still feeling good about this guy getting the nuclear codes?

Here’s the latest worrying development on Jack Smith’s national security indictment from Martha McHardy.

A coat hanger could be used to unlock room where Trump ‘kept classified documents’

New York hush money trial: What to expect on day nine

11:51 , Joe Sommerlad

Our man in Manhattan Alex Woodward is back at the courthouse bright and early and says this:

“It’s a relatively warm morning outside the courthouse for the second week of witness testimony in Donald Trump’s criminal trial.

“We’ll be hearing more from Michael Cohen’s former banker Gary Farro, who left us on a cliffhanger on Friday as he explained how Cohen had a ‘sense of urgency’ in creating a shell company LLC in the fall of 2016 – which we now know was used to send hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

“We still don’t have a witness list; prosecutors have feared that advance notice could give Trump more fuel for online threats and intimidation. We also don’t have a ruling on alleged gag order violations from Justice Juan Merchan that he promised a week ago.

“He’ll hold a hearing on even more allegations on Thursday.”

New poll highlights ‘double-haters’ not enthused about Biden or Trump

11:30 , Joe Sommerlad

A fresh survey of 2024 voters has found that one in six dislike both former president Donald Trump and current president Joe Biden – and that group could decide November’s vote.

A Monmouth University poll released on Monday shows 60 per cent of voters were slightly or not at all enthusiastic about the election given the matchup between the presumptive Democratic and Republican nominees.

In addition, a large group of voters fall under the category of “double haters,” a name for those who dislike both Trump and Biden.

Some 78 per cent of “double haters” say they are not happy about either man leading the top of their party’s ticket.

John Bowden and Eric Garcia have more on the phenomenon.

New poll shows ‘double-haters’ not enthused about voting for Biden or Trump

New York hush money trial: Lindsey Graham jumps to Trump’s defence

11:00 , Joe Sommerlad

But wait! There is one man prepared to come to Trump’s aid in his hour of need – South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham.

The Republican loyally dismissed the former president’s trial as “a crock” during an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, also bewailing the “selective prosecution” he feels his old friend is being subjected too before stopping short of telling Dana Bash that he deserves absolute immunity from the Supreme Court.

Gustaf Kilander reports.

Lindsey Graham jumps to Trump’s defence over NY trial: ‘The whole thing is a crock’

New York hush money trial: Trump cuts a lonely figure as family and supporters stay home

10:30 , Joe Sommerlad

Here’s more from Alex Woodward on the criminal defendant and presidential candidate looking solitary in Manhattan as his loved ones and MAGA acolytes fail to stand beside him, a phenomenon he has claimed, desperately, is the result of New York law enforcement cracking down on demonstrations in his favour (they aren’t).

Trump cuts a lonely figure at trial as family and supporters stay home

New York hush money trial: Stuck in court, Trump turns criminal proceedings into his campaign

10:00 , Joe Sommerlad

Trump’s hush money trial will get back underway today with further testimony from Gary Farro, the banker for former Trump fixer Michael Cohen who took the stand at the end of last week.

Cohen was instrumental in making a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels to cover up an alleged affair with Mr Trump.

The court also heard on Friday from the former president’s long-time executive assistant, Rhona Graff.

Judge Juan Merchan is still yet to rule on whether Trump should be held in contempt of court for violating a gag order imposed on him to stop attacks on witnesses, jurors and court staff.

Alex Woodward will be back at Manhattan Criminal Court for us today to watch proceedings.

Here’s his latest dispatch on the trial.

Stuck in court, Trump turns his criminal trial into his campaign

Trump-DeSantis meeting ‘about money’, not running mate pick

09:30 , Joe Sommerlad

Also on Truth Social, Trump has been blowing smoke about his new best pal Ron DeSantis, whom he was last heard deriding as “Meatball Ron DeSanctimonious” and for being both short and dumb.

The men staged an hours-long summit in Miami on Sunday with the aim of brokering a truce after their bitter GOP primary feud — and with Trump hoping to convince the Florida governor to tap into his substantial network of donors in good time for November’s election, according to The Washington Post.

Gustaf Kilander has the latest.

Meeting between Trump and DeSantis was about money; DeSantis won’t be VP, sources say

Truth Social: Trump claims ‘Deranged Jack Smith, a sick PSYCHO, got caught’

09:05 , Joe Sommerlad

In among a thick soup of Fox News clips pleading his case, the former president launches his latest ludicrous attack on the Justice Department special counsel.

The basis? An utterly spurious Newsmax “report” alleging that the Biden administration met with the National Archives in late January 2021, which, angry anchor Rob Schmitt and Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton insist, proves America’s legal system has been weaponised against Trump and is “filthy”.

Judge for yourselves.

Trump led a ‘violent insurrection’ but McConnell still voting for him

08:15 , Oliver O’Connell

Like Bill Barr, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell has said he will vote for the man he holds personally responsible for leading a “violent insurrection” at his workplace, the US Capitol.

Here’s John Bowden with more on McConnell’s comments…

Trump led a ‘violent insurrection’ but I’ll still vote for him, says McConnell

Eric Trump praises father’s ‘stamina’ at New York trial

06:15 , Joe Sommerlad

This gushing tribute to the old man’s fortitude was all too easily shot down, as in the tweet below, given the defendant’s constant griping about every aspect of life in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom.

Amazingly, it wasn’t even the silliest thing said on Fox News over the weekend.

Trump is a hero for going to Chick-fil-A, claims Jeanine Pirro.

‘Trump may lose his hush money trial – but it’s not his biggest worry’

04:15 , Oliver O’Connell

The former president’s public image may take a bruising in New York, writes Jon Sopel, but his eyes will be fixed firmly on the Supreme Court in Washington – and the promise of immunity.

Trump may lose his hush money trial – but it’s not his biggest problem | Jon Sopel

New York hush money trial: Key takeaways from first week of testimony

02:15 , Oliver O’Connell

Trump’s trial is not happening on Monday but will be back tomorrow with more testimony from banker Gary Farro and others.

Here’s Kelly Rissman on what we learned from week one proper.

Key takeaways from the first week of Trump’s trial testimony

Trump invites himself to the White House to debate Biden

01:15 , Oliver O’Connell

The former president turned criminal defendant has suddenly begun to put pressure on his successor to debate him, despite refusing to appear on stage with his rivals for the Republican nomination last year.

Speaking outside of Manhattan Criminal Court on Friday, he proposed the White House as the ideal venue for such a contest, which Biden has said he is more than willing to be part of.

Here’s more on Trump’s challenge from Andrew Feinberg, Eric Garcia and Josh Marcus.

Trump invites himself to the White House to debate Biden

Biden trails Trump in poll showing RFK Jr winning one in six voters

Tuesday 30 April 2024 00:15 , Oliver O’Connell

Here’s more from John Bowden on CNN’s latest poll suggesting RFK Jr is having a serious impact on the presidential race, no doubt a major factor behind Trump’s sustained attack on the Kennedy family’s black sheep over the weekend.

Biden trails Trump in poll showing RFK Jr winning one in six voters

Stuck in court, Trump turns his criminal trial into his campaign

Tuesday 30 April 2024 00:10 , Josh Marcus

The last place Donald Trump wants to be is seated at a defence table, muted, in a courtroom in New York City, surrounded by reporters, for six to eight weeks.

A man who is used to spending his days golfing, surrounded by loyalists at his Florida resort, raging at network news, and traveling to makeshift arenas for rallies where his name is everywhere is instead entering the second week of witness testimony in the first-ever criminal trial of an American president.

But like his civil fraud trial down the street from the downtown Manhattan courthouse where he is on trial for allegedly falsifying business records, the former president is relying on the cameras staged in the adjoining hallway to cast himself as a victim of political prosecution, the defining feature of his 2024 presidential campaign.

That rhetoric is amplified in his campaign’s messages to supporters in increasingly absurd and false characterisations of what’s happening in court, where he pits his word against the reporters in the room and the official court transcript.

Alex Woodward has the full story from the courthouse in Manhattan.

Stuck in court, Trump turns his criminal trial into his campaign

Watch: Lincoln Project debuts new ad with an intended audience of one

Monday 29 April 2024 23:45 , Oliver O’Connell

Per The Lincoln Project:

As Trump stews every night at Trump Tower, the Lincoln Project has released a new “audience-of-one” ad that’s bound to have him chucking his happy meal at the wall in despair. “Guilty” features a whispering voice speaking directly to Trump about all the ways he’s ruined his life and how the walls are closing in.

“Trump falls asleep in the courtroom because he stays up all night dejected, afraid and all alone. He’s rattled at the prospect of being thrown into a court holding cell,” said Rick Wilson, co-founder of the Lincoln Project. “So while he rots away while essentially confined to Trump Tower, we want to make him feel the claustrophobia of prison as much as possible.”

The ad will run digitally geofenced at Trump Tower this week.

Arizona Republican charged in election subversion case elected RNC committeeman

Monday 29 April 2024 23:15 , Oliver O’Connell

An Arizona state senator charged in the election subversion case in the state has been elected as its national committeeman for the Republican National Committee.

State Senator Jake Hoffman was indicted last week, facing allegations that he joined the effort to overturn President Joe Biden’s win in the state. Mr Biden became the first Democrat to win Arizona on the presidential level since President Bill Clinton in 1996.

Gustaf Kilander has the details:

Arizona Republican charged in election subversion case elected RNC committeeman

Watch: Judge Luttig weighs in on Trump immunity claim

Monday 29 April 2024 22:45 , Oliver O’Connell

OAN restracts false story about Michael Cohen

Monday 29 April 2024 22:23 , Oliver O’Connell

Rightwing news outlet OAN has agreed to a legal settlement and to retract a false article about former Trump fixer Michael Cohen.

Cohen’s lawyer Danya Perry tweeted: “Today OAN has announced it is retracting a false story about my client @MichaelCohen212. This is a total vindication for Mr. Cohen — and a warning: Mr. Cohen is telling the truth, and there will be legal consequences for those who lie about him.”

Trump hails DeSantis support

Monday 29 April 2024 22:17 , Oliver O’Connell

Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are back together again after their bitter primary fight at the start of the year.

The former president posted on Truth Scoial that he is “very happy to have the full and enthusiastic support” of the Florida governor following their meeting on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton trolls Kristi Noem over dog execution

Monday 29 April 2024 22:15 , Oliver O’Connell

Hillary Clinton has become the latest figure to troll South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem over her shocking admission that she executed her dog because it was “untrainable”.

On Monday morning, the former secretary of state and 2016 presidential candidate reshared a 2021 post on X reading: “Don’t vote for anyone you wouldn’t trust with your dog.”

“Still true,” Ms Clinton wrote alongside the post.

Martha McHardy reports:

Hillary Clinton wades in on Kristi Noem’s shocking confession about shooting dog

Hunter Biden takes fight to Fox News

Monday 29 April 2024 21:50 , Oliver O’Connell

Hunter Biden’s attorneys anticipate an “imminent” lawsuit against Fox News and its associated streaming service Fox Nation and have requested that top personalities at the network preserve documents.

Attorneys for the president’s son cited statements made by Fox personalities including Jessie Watters and Maria Bartiromo in a lengthy letter sent to Fox attorneys last week and shared with The Independent on Monday.

John Bowden reports:

Hunter Biden threatens to sue Fox News over hacked photos coverage

Trump often suggested executing his rivals, says Barr

Monday 29 April 2024 21:30 , Oliver O’Connell

Bill Barr has claimed Donald Trump often suggested executing his political rivals during heated moments of his four-year tenure in the White House.

Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin told The View back in December that Mr Trump once called for a staff member to be put to death for leaking a story about the then-president going down to a bunker during Black Lives Matter protests in summer 2020.

Former Trump administration attorney general Mr Barr was asked about the claims during an interview on CNN last week.

Joe Sommerlad has the story:

Bill Barr says Trump often suggested executing rivals in heated White House outbursts

How secure were Trump’s classified documents at Mar-a-Lago? Not very according to one witness…

Monday 29 April 2024 20:45 , Oliver O’Connell

According to a witness, a coat hanger or a “very tiny screwdriver” could be used to unlock the Mar-a-Lago storage room where Donald Trump stored classified documents.

The claim was made by the unidentified witness in an interview with FBI agents in January 2023, according to new documents, which were released as part of an ongoing effort by Mr Trump and his co-defendants to make additional evidence gathered by special counsel Jack Smith public.

The revelation could undercut Mr Trump’s claims that the documents, which are believed to have contained sensitive government information, were always secured while they were at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

Martha McHardy has the story:

A coat hanger could be used to unlock room where Trump ‘kept classified documents’

Trump-DeSantis meeting about money, sources say

Monday 29 April 2024 20:15 , Oliver O’Connell

The hours-long meeting was set up with the aim of brokering a truce — and with the aim of convincing the Florida governor to tap into his substantial network of donors ahead of the general election this autumn, according to The Washington Post.

Gustaf Kilander has the details:

Meeting between Trump and DeSantis was about money; DeSantis won’t be VP, sources say

Trump and DeSantis ‘make amends’ during private Miami meeting

Monday 29 April 2024 20:00 , Oliver O’Connell

Donald Trump and Florida governor Ron DeSantis have met privately for the first time since their bruising battle in the Republican presidential primaries.

The 77-year-old former US president and Mr DeSantis, 45, appeared to put their bitter feud aside as they met in Miami on Sunday to talk about how they could work together ahead of November’s election.

The meeting was “set at the request of governor DeSantis”, whose hopes of winning the White House were dashed in the primaries, a Trump campaign official told The Washington Post.

James Liddell has the story:

Trump and DeSantis ‘make amends’ during meeting following bitter feud

Monday 29 April 2024 19:30 , Oliver O’Connell

Trump defence team try to pick holes in David Pecker’s ‘catch and kill’ testimony

Monday 29 April 2024 19:15 , Oliver O’Connell

Alex Woodward reports:

Donald Trump’s defence attorneys have tried to undermine trial testimony from one of the alleged architects of the scheme to buy up politically damaging stories about Mr Trump to boost his chances of winning the 2016 presidential election.

Former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker, the first witness in the former president’s historic hush money trial, faced a barrage of “yes” or “no” questions during cross-examination from Mr Trump’s lawyer Emil Bove on Thursday and Friday in an attempt to poke holes in his week-long testimony.

But Mr Bove’s attempts to impeach Mr Pecker’s credibility fell flat, as the former publisher repeatedly affirmed his under-oath descriptions of his meetings with Mr Trump.

Read on…

Trump’s attorneys try to pick holes in David Pecker’s ‘catch and kill’ testimony

Watch: Hunter Biden planning to sue Fox News, NBC reports

Monday 29 April 2024 18:44 , Oliver O’Connell

Comment: Yes, Trump may lose his hush money trial – but he’s got bigger things to worry about

Monday 29 April 2024 18:30 , Oliver O’Connell

Jon Sopel writes:

Hell hath no fury like a Donald Trump forced to spend all day in a dingy, cold courtroom at 100 Centre Street in downtown Manhattan. Here on the 15th floor, he has spent the last two weeks fulminating. But he can’t do that while the court is in session. Here, it is Judge Juan Merchan who is in charge, not the former president. Here, the president has to do what he’s told.

Continue reading…

Trump may lose his hush money trial – but it’s not his biggest problem | Jon Sopel

‘I think the whole thing is a crock’: Lindsey Graham jumps to Trump’s defence over hush money trial

Monday 29 April 2024 17:45 , Oliver O’Connell

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham leaped to Donald Trump’s defence on Sunday as he dismissed the former president’s New York hush money trial as “a crock”.

The longtime Mr Trump ally appeared on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday where he railed against the trial and branded the former president’s long list of legal woes as examples of “selective prosecution” – but declined to say that he should have full immunity from criminal prosecution.

Gustaf Kilander reports:

Lindsey Graham jumps to Trump’s defence over NY trial: ‘The whole thing is a crock’

Arizona state senator indicted in fake electors scheme elected to RNC role

Monday 29 April 2024 17:00 , Oliver O’Connell

Jake Hoffman, the Arizona state senator named as one of the so-called fake electors charged in the state’s 2020 election subversion case, has been elected to the Arizona Republican National Committee.

“I’m humbled and honored to have been elected as the next RNC National Committeeman for Arizona!,” Mr Hoffman said in a post on X over the weekend.

Here’s Kelly Rissman’s breakdown of the case and who is involved:

Who are the 18 indicted co-conspirators in the Arizona fake electors’ scheme?

Recap: Trump and DeSantis ‘make amends’ during private Miami meeting following bitter primary feud

Monday 29 April 2024 16:15 , Oliver O’Connell

Here’s more on our top story today from James Liddell.

Trump and DeSantis ‘make amends’ during meeting following bitter feud

Click here to read the full blog on The Independent’s website

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